Monday Monday

With all the commotion at the restaurant last week, we decided having our fellowship dinner outside again. The last time we had dinner on the outside, we were having it on Fridays sevenish. We figured it being Shabbat there wouldn’t be a Datim problem…WRONG.

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Long story short: Having a quiet Shabbat dinner became too dangerous! The king’s men (chess & domino players) had left and gone home, all the other shops were closed, it became nightfall, and we are located in a semi industrial area. More and more Datim were being bused in each Friday! See: 06/17/05: Guess who's coming to dinner?

Well, Monday is the next best thing! It is market day! The one day of the week that people are crawling all over the place. In fact, before we had the fire we would open a 10 a.m. to put the used clothes out and the Datim would be waiting for us. I soon began noticing all the benches in the area were filled with little old ladies (spectators) waiting for the 10 o’clock show to begin.

Today’s 10 a.m. main feature was a display table of various items caught in the fire with included Torah in a variety of languages.

But the Datim seemed to be a step ahead of us! When we arrived they were already passing out flyers accusing us of starting the fire ourselves, for the insurance money! I say “seemed to be a step ahead of us” because it seemed that they had the inside scoop, knowledge of the fire before it took place, providing ample time to be so geared up.

2nd Feature: Well, today we had our dinner at 6 p.m. in the public’s eye.

So now we have two Monday features: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. If in the area feel free to join us! We can always make room at the table for one more!

Ps 35:4
Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt KJV

If you're led to make a money contribution, please make your check out to:

Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship (MHCF)
2792 N. Cherry La., Ronks, PA 17572, USA
(Please mark check Charity/Israel).
If you prefer, you may use your credit card or make a bank-to-bank transfer with PayPal (a small administrative fee will be deducted by Paypal).

Edwin Beckford
August 8, 2005