A suspect in the arson of the “Anshei Hamelech” Club was apprehended

After the arson of the local Messianic Community’s Club last week, the wave of harassments and demonstrations in front of the burnt club and in front of a private home on 17 Hagilad Street started again. This time, the demonstrators claim that a seminar to convert Jews is being held in the place. Here, too, the Police weren’t quick to disperse the demonstration. A member of the Town’s Committee, Shmaia Tennenbaum, explains the background to the hostile opposition that the Haredim display: “We aren’t against the residence of those people in Arad. The town is open to any movement, group or individuals wishing to live here. We are going on a Holy War, only because according to our worldview they aren’t Jews, but Christians, and they are acting in many despicable ways to convert Jews and to make them Christians. That’s why we’re acting together with the “Yad Leachim” Organization in order to eradicate this appalling phenomenon. We, as Jews, can’t allow this situation in which we know about the missionary activity and don’t protest and don’t cry out. We act within the law and under its auspices. Each demonstration is coordinated with the Police and is approved by them. I, personally, am opposed to violence, and I call upon all the demonstrators against the Defamation of the Name not to act in violence. I thoroughly deny any connection to the arson; it didn’t come from our midst. I strongly protest the attempt to link us to the event, as if it came from our School of Thought. We’re patient people and we don’t use violence, which I, personally, abhors.” Sources in the Messianic Community are very upset at the words of the Committee Member, and call them, “dangerous hypocrisy.” They add, “Sadly, we don’t want to be identified by name for fear that harm might come to us. We wouldn’t have been in this situation if they hadn’t acted violently against us, to the point of risking our lives as private individuals and as a homogenous group. We warned everyone possible, dozens of times, that one-day they would cross the red line, and our blood has become ownerless. We strongly deny that we’re missionaries, converting Jews. We, ourselves, are Jews who believe, in our way, in the Law of Moses and in the Messengers of God. Do we deserve, because of our different faith, to have this Demon’s Dance and Witch Hunt performed against us? Leave us alone. But, let everyone know, anyone who thinks that we will leave town or cave in and change our faith, it isn’t going to happen!!! We are strong in our faith. They tried to scare us in Beer Sheba too, and this whole campaign only forges and strengthen us, causing us to adhere more tightly to our faith. We don’t preach to anyone to change his or her religion. Whoever comes to us and asks for reading material, or food for thought, we give it to him. No way do we act under the Mission’s auspices. We have a quiet community that works and makes a living in various positions. We don’t live off anyone. We don’t need financial support from any institution, and everything is paid for out of our own pockets. We have activities that are designed for members of the community only. We don’t baptize anyone in town against their religious conviction or the call of their conscience”.

The Police informed us that they have started an intense investigation. “We have already arrested a young man, about 25 years of age, a resident of Arad, who was released by the Court in limiting conditions after his interrogation was finished. The investigation isn’t over yet, and we act in open levels, as well as, in the Intelligence level. As for the demonstrations, anyone wishing to get a permit to demonstrate, is legally entitled to it, as long as they don’t violate the terms of said permit, and as long as the demonstration doesn’t interfere with the normal daily activity of the general Public. As for the claim that we handle the demonstrators with silk gloves – it is utterly false. Any complaint made in the station receives the utmost professional attention, and is treated. The citizen doesn’t always notice the activity, but we can assure you that it ‘s being done in all seriousness.”

(Hatzvi Aug 11, 2005)