Reflections & Update on Arad – Aug. 2005


“The shop is burning!” said the voice on the telephone.  Our friend had received a call and passed the news on to us.   Just today Eddie talked about taking the television out of the shop because of the threat of theft.  A Palestinian tried to walk out the door with it today and an Arab friend stopped him. Not the first time,   but no time now for regrets – must get to the shop!  God is in control – focus!


Fire!  We wondered what the Haredim would do next!  Is this it?


We pulled up to the shop, camera in hand;  a policeman was openly annoyed that we were there.  His first question, “Who called her?”  He cornered a medic, “Did you call her?”  I wondered why that was important?????  I answered, “This is our shop – we need to be here!”  Then I noticed the restaurant owner from next door.  The police had called them, but not us!  Questions!!!


The fireman was hosing the place down with lots of water and it was still smoldering.  There was a heavy smell of smoke and gasoline in the air.  We were warned not to get too close because the electricity was not turned off yet and there was water everywhere.    I walked to the back of the shop and the water was pouring from under the rear door.  I wondered if it was just the water from the fireman’s hose or did the pipes break in the bathroom?


I took some pictures and then called our landlord & his wife, waking them, and broke the news to them.  Within 10 minutes, he and his wife were at the scene.  They were sympathetic and at the same time worried about their property.  I assured them we would honor our agreement and repair it   He was glad to hear that we would continue on, and began making suggestions as to how to improve security.  We had been unable to obtain insurance since we are a private venture.


The restaurant owner was also worried about his adjoining property.  He asked us what are we going to do? – We answered, “Repair it and continue on!”  He was not happy about that.  Our presence is a danger to his restaurant.


 The police officer requested that I sit in his car with his accompanying IDF soldier and give a statement about the fire, so I did.  He was reluctant to include any report of the Haredim threatening us or anything about their newly opened chess club behind us.   I insisted.


The electrician showed up to turn off the electricity in the club, and discovered that the restaurant’s current also runs through our electrical box.  It took another hour to figure out which wire was ours and which belonged to the restaurant.


Meanwhile the books were still smoldering with a glow underneath.  The fireman had finished his work, rolled up the hose and left.   We called the fire co, again and told them, but they said it was O.K. and didn’t return.


I walked behind the darkened shop, and in the light of the street lamps, I saw stones lying around the back door. There were more stones in front of the shop.  I noticed new indentations in the window of the back door, and of course, the front windows were totally broken.  It looked to me as if more than one person was involved.  What kind of arsonist throws rocks and burns a place, too?


The whole scene was disturbing, yet both Eddie and I were sensing a supernatural peace.  God was in our midst.  Somehow, we know in our hearts that HE will be glorified through this situation. 


The next morning, arson investigators came from Beersheva and carefully examined our burned building.  They said at least 40 liters of gasoline had been used to start this fire.  That’s more than one person can carry. 


The chess players began to arrive and were shocked to see the condition of the shop.  Some had tears in their eyes.  Eddie began to bring out the tables which barely survived in the fire – They are blackened and warped, but usable.  The chess clocks are almost a total loss.  The chess boards all have the touch of fire upon them.  It is a sad picture, but the players are encouraged by our promise to renovate and continue on in the face of opposition.


Many friends have sent us notes of encouragement and Bible verses.  It is comforting to know that so many are praying and holding us up.  A number of believers have asked for suggestions as to how they can help in a practical way.  We will begin to clean-up on Tuesday morning.  (We want to show the people what happened to our shop on Monday open-air market day.)  We can feel your love and we thank you for it! God bless you in Y’shua’s Name and for His Glory!  We appreciate you!


Monday – we were greeted by the orthodox who were passing out flyers which stated that we started the fire to gain attention.  I thought, “How arrogant!”  They burned the place down and then have the nerve to appear in public and make fun of us.  They circled the shop and laughed and gloated and spoke lies about us.  How devilish!  This is what the Pharisees did around the cross.  Y’shua compared them to the bulls of Bashan (a rich pastureland known for its healthy and frisky bulls) Psalm 22  The Pharisees, like the bulls, did not know they were destined for slaughter (judgment).  That evening they harassed us as we prepared a picnic outside the shop.  It is difficult to be in the presence of so many demons  and come away from that encounter unscathed.  One of our group reminded us to pray and spend time with the Lord – and allow Him to wash our feet from the “dust” of the day.


Tuesday, lots of chess players showed up willing to help!  What an encouragement!  Just last evening, someone came to me and told me “it was not worth doing a chess club for these kind of people…  they have no hope in their heart and will do nothing for anyone.  They are beyond help.”  I assured that they were exactly what we wanted: we want to give hope to the hopeless!  She didn’t understand.  Yet here were these “hopeless” men happy to pitch in and carry things out to the dumpster   

  Within an hour all the burned items – all the melted plastic – all of it was in the dumpster.  We were a sooty crew but satisfied with our labors!  God is good!  Next came the clean up, and the people from Jerusalem arrived, so the chess players began to play chess while their replacements cleaned.  It was a good day until one of the orthodox showed up and began making rude comments.  Eddie and I stood in front of him and would not let him into the shop.  Whenever he tried to take pictures, I put a broom in front of his camera.  He called the police, and they yelled at him and asked him why he was there.  I guess it takes a fire to make the police act as if something serious is going on.

  Cleaning soot off walls is an experience, especially without electricity.  There are no windows in the bathroom, so I was feeling my way around trying to get enough soot off the walls so that light would reflect.  We had a flashlight, but it was useless against the sooty walls – Black, black and more black. 

  Three of the Haredim have been arrested and charged with arson.  All three were released on a limited basis awaiting trial.



IMPORTANT:  The Haredim are so determined to get rid of Eddie,  that they have been going to the police and have put several false charges against him.  They have come up with a number of outrageous stories.  Of course this means, that we had to hire a lawyer.  In Israel, you are automatically considered guilty and must prove your innocence.  It is not like the USA at all.  The police do not deal with individuals except to charge them with crimes.  No information is given to those charged and we were not even able to get copies of our own reports to the police.  They will only deal with a lawyer.  We have been criticized for getting a lawyer, but many do not realize how the legal system works here.

 We can see the Lord in this situation, because now the illegal activities of the Haredim and the police in Arad will be brought to light in a court of law before a Judge.  The Lord led us to an Arab Christian who is very aware of the danger to himself and his family in prosecuting the Haredim; he is willing to do it anyway.  We are impressed with him and how fast he began the investigation.  After one day, he wrote to the police and requested all information regarding the Christians and the Haredim, etc. and received an answer.  Plus, when we are brought to the police station, we can tell them to deal with our lawyer.  There will be no more all-day interrogation sessions at the police station.  I am feeling optimistic.


The lawyer even agreed to work for 20% compensation instead of regular hourly fees.  And he lowered the $5000. retainer and filing fees to $3000. and allowed us to pay it off in increments.


The assessor came to see our damaged and blackened shop – He was very sympathetic as he walked around and listed the various items that need to be replaced.  He will send his report to us later.


The building supply company sent some people over to estimate the damage and talk about renovations.  They promised to write up each of the various projects so we could put them on line and allow our friends and supporters to see what is needed.  New doors and outside walls front and back need to be replaced.  New wiring and lights must be installed. The walls need to be re-done.  The dry wall was burnt and is cracked and peeling.  So much to be done… the Lord knows!


Several donations have come in so far.  50 shekels each from two friends, a check from a tourist, a donation promised from someone in England.  We appreciate each one and view it as an encouragement from our heavenly Father.  “Dear Lord, touch the hearts of your people and enable them to respond in some way to help restore things here.  Thank you for your faithfulness!”  At this time, not enough has come in to begin the work.  We received the first estimates for the work today (Aug. 23, ’05).  So far, the basic costs appear to be about $10,600. not counting the air conditioner/heater and the water cooler. The window will be covered over and the doors will be security doors. 


Lots of people want the work and are coming in and measuring and trying to get a commitment out of us, but most of these people have no tools and are not qualified – they are just hungry.  So far we have been unable to hire anyone.


Yesterday, a television crew from channel 3 (Israel) came to the shop and interviewed us about the fire.  They showed it on TV last evening and today they returned and did another interview with Rebeka, asking her about believing in Y’shua.  So the witness goes forth!  The Lord is getting glory from the fire! 


Pray for us for patience and opportunities to witness further!  Pray for compassion for those who persecute us – it is difficult to receive insults, lies and more, on a daily basis and maintain peace.  However we are experiencing supernatural grace in the face of evil – for that we praise the Lord and give Him thanks!  Thank you for standing with us in a difficult place!  Love and blessings,  Lura and Eddie Beckford, Arad, Israel