Took The Guys Fishing In The Desert!

For days the guys have been trying to tell me something in Russian. What they were trying to tell me was “Let’s go fishing!”

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At first I thought that they were jiving me, but they were on the up and up! Word had it that there was some kind of lake near Dimona, in the middle of the desert, that supposedly had fish!

Well, I just had to see it - to believe it! But, first…where could we buy hooks, line, and sinkers in the desert?

Well, if you’ve walked with the Lord as long as I have, then you know that He has a funny since of humor. Would you believe, before the week was out a lady opened a bait and tackle shop right next to the chess club!

Anyhow we went from 5 p.m. to around 8 a.m. We caught nothing! A van load of guys and we caught nothing! We didn’t even see a fish! And the next day I was covered with all kinds of mosquito and spider bites.

But the Lord didn’t let me to get sick!

Would you believe the guys had so much fun that they wanted to do it again! So we set it up again for September 10, 2006.

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Edwin Beckford
August 25, 2006