Dear friends,


Today there was a lot of action concerning harrassment and persecution by the Hassidei Gur (aka datim and haredim).  In the morning two men came to the chess club where we were giving out free clothes to anyone who wanted them.  They harrassed the people who came by and told them that we kidnap children and take them to Canada.  One of those, Mendel (whose name we later discovered is Menachem "Mendel" Firster) is the sterotypical picture of a Biblically demon possessed man.  He is the leader of the demonstrations.  Many injunctions have been issued against him, but the police do nothing to enforce them. 


Then things were quiet for awhile.  Then Mendel showed up again and attacked the chess and domino players.  They are all former Soviet military of KGB officers.  They tried to distribute flyers to these men, which state that we burned down our own chess club for the insurance.  (Private clubs in Israel are not allowed to obtain insurance.  Also, in Israel, the general practice is that the property owner requires the tenant to obtain insurance and name the owner as the beneficiary.)  Mendel became louder and louder.  One of the 70+ year old men attacked Mendel.  Another joined in with his cane.  It was rather comical to see these two senior citizens in poor health go after this demonically controlled guy in his late 20's or early 30's. 


Later, I tried to grab a brochure from Mendel's hand that he was using to show a photo of a baptism (supposedly of a child that we had allegedly kidnapped).  I tried twice, but he was quicker than I was.  Another shop owner called the police to come and arrest Mendel.  But Mendel told the police that I had attacked and hit him.  Therefore he wanted to file a complaint against me.  The officers asked for my identity information, which I refused to give in front of Mendel.  So we went inside and talked.  They could see that we were telling the truth and asked me to go with them to the police station and to file a complaint. 


After arriving at the police station I was turned over to an ethnick Ethiopian officer who is not sympathetic to the believers here.  I asked if they would give my identity information to Mendel.  They said that by law they would have to.  This is strange as they never give information the other direction.  So, I refuse to press charges or file a complaint, which they couldn't understand.  They want as many complaints against him as they can collect.  Why, we don't know as they never enforce any of their own injunctions or orders of protection, especially when it comes to Mendel. 


The officers were shocked when I refused and didn't understand.  But I told them that if Mendel got ahold of my ID, then they, through their connections, would put me on a black list and I would never be able to return to Israel


J* was able to get some of his most important footage today.


This evening the datim were waiting at the restaurant, where we have our weekly fellowship dinner, when we arrived.  First, they were able to convince the local security not to allow any of the shop owners to park in the area of the shopping center.  That rule wasn't in effect earlier in the day.  Neither we nor the restaurant owner were allowed to park near the area of the restaurant.  All except the driver of our van exited and began to watch.  Joel was the first out of the van and immediately began to film the guard's actions along with numerous angry Israelis, who were supposed to be allowed to park there and taxi drivers, who were entering the area to pick up customers.  The guard finally called the police who came, not because of the new regulation, traffic tie-up, etc., but to complain that he was being photographed and filmed.  When the gate was finally opened, it slammed rather hard against the side of a taxi, almost breaking the windshield and endangering the passenger.


The Hassidei Gur were waiting in front of the restaurant, which was catering two events at the same time, ours and a birthday party.  These goons were harrassing everyone who came into the restaurant and causing problems for everyone in the area. 


When it was getting time for us to leave, the restaurant owner called the police, which told her that they weren't going to come.  But she strongly demanded that they intervene.  When we exited the restaurant the group had grown from 3 to well over 20 yelling and screaming demon-possed men.  J*  went out with his video camera rolling.  I kept snapping photos with my digital still camera.  There were 3 police officers, basically doing nothing.  (At one point they shook the hands of the leaders of the demonstration.)  There wasn't enough space in the van for everyone, so J* and I stayed behind to film and photo what was happening.  Then shortly, the police left, leaving J* and me surrounded by this frenzied mob.  (The police never even noticed us anyway.)  A lady passing by, who only spoke French, tried to find out why they were so angry with us.  I couldn't speak French, so they told her a lot of lies about us.


One of the things that they keep saying is that we kidnap children, baptize them and take them to Canada.  Ironically, one of the leaders this evening is a young man named Avigdor, who was kidnapped from his home in New York, taken to Moscow to be reprogrammed, and then brought here.


Eddie and Lura finally arrived back at the scene and rescued J* and me.  We are safe.  Thank you for your prayers.  We will be leaving on Thursday to return to the US, but the people here can't do that.


Following all that, we had a meeting with the local pastor and two leaders from his congregation.  It ended up that we really need to pray for each other and get the word out for people worldwide to pray.


These Hassidei Gur have told the local believers that if they don't leave voluntarily, they will be carried out in coffins.  Three people have been beaten.  Mothers with small children are being surrounded in public places and threatened.  So far, they have been able to escape.  But there could easily be a time that they won't be able to. 

