A letter sent to Israeli and American government officials: the police, minister of safety, interior etc.

Dear Sirs,
I am an American Citizen and a Jew! I am part of a large community. I have access to the media and I have heard of the terrible way the Messianic Jews In ARAD are being treated by the Gur Hassidim while you stand by and do nothing! I am appalled at the news of innocent people being persecuted and treated shamefully by so-called religious Jews.

Who do these Gur Hassidim worship and who do they pray to? Would the G-d of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob be happy to see anyone treated in such a terrible way? Especially by those who claim to follow the teachings of The Torah and Talmud! The Muslim terrorists are treated better then these innocent Jewish citizens! You in authority should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing this atrocity to continue! You do not fool anyone by pleading ignorance to this! Their innocent blood will be on your hands soon!

The World is watching and waiting to accuse all citizens of Israel of being no more then barbarians, not worthy of having or capable of ruling their own country. This kind of behavior, your unwillingness to protect your own citizens, is giving the world the ammunition they need to come against all of Israel! If Israel is a democracy, then all it’s citizens have the right to live in peace and safety! It is bad enough to have to live in fear and terror of Israel’s enemies, but to have to be afraid to walk in the streets because your fellow citizen is out to get you just because you believe in worshiping a loving and merciful Messiah is outrageous! Do the Gur Hassidim attack and slander the other citizens who believe differently than they do? Are The Buddhists, secular Jews who do not even believe in The G-d of Abraham, the gays and the Muslims allowed to be treated in such a way?

Do these Gur Hassidim attack the Palestinians who have sworn to kill every Jew and drive them into the sea? NO! They spend their energy on harassing innocent peaceful fellow Jews who want to believe and follow a loving Messiah and to love and share with their poor neighbors! How shameful is this!

Something must be done, and done NOW! Stop hiding your head in the sand! Do not be afraid to stop The Gur Hassidim, for you may be their next target! Would you like your wives, children or relatives to be attacked and screamed at! NO ONE SHOULD BE TREATED like this! STOP the persecution of the Messianic Jews in ARAD and stop it NOW! The world is watching to see how you react, and you will be held accountable! The G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is watching and willing to hold you accountable for the safety of your citizens! ALL of them! These Gur Hassidim do not even fight in the army to protect YOUR country! They do not PAY TAXES! Do they pay your salary? Do they protect you? Or are you held captive by their terrorist ways too? Are you just so afraid of them or of The Messianic Jews that you cannot do your duty and protect the innocent! Or is it a crime to love your neighbor as yourself and feed and cloth the poor and needy? Take heart! The world is indeed watching! I am watching and I have the power and the spirit to do something! To tell the media of your shameful inaction!

Respectfully and angrily,
USA citizen, and Fellow Jew!

I support Israel with my time, energy, and my finances!

I am expecting positive action to be taken to protect the Messianic Jews in ARAD!