-----Original Message-----
From: feedback [mailto:feedback@mofa.gov.il]
Sunday, September 11, 2005 5:47 AM
To: Carmen
Subject: RE: Harassment of Messianic believers

Israel does not discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation or creed.
Christian and Muslim citizens and permanent residents of
Israel enjoy full
equal rights.
Messianic Jews also live in
Israel with equal rights. However, Israeli law
does not entitle them to Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return,
because they are not considered to be Jews.
Friction has occurred between groups of Messianic Jews and their surrounding
communities, whenever the Messianic Jews have been perceived as attempting
to proselytize.
Since your query relates to an internal issue, please contact the
Police spokesman: akam@police.gov.il

Information and Internet Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,



From: "Carmen"
To: "'feedback'" <feedback@mofa.gov.il>
Subject: RE: Harassment of Messianic believers
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 19:42:16 -0600

Thank you for your reply.

I'd like to add that there's a difference between "friction" occurring
between Messianic Jews and their surrounding communities, and the outright
harassment that includes calling mothers "whores" in front of their
children, vandalizing cars, and burning down buildings - with the police
doing basically nothing to stop it. God surely doesn't approve of that,
especially of His "Chosen People", the traditional Jews who DO have the
right of Law of Return and are the very ones who are doing the harassing,
burning, and vandalizing. It makes as much sense as the "Palestinians"
bombing Israelis....

Messianics aren't the enemy: MUSLIMS are! Why don't those Orthodox thugs go
and harass THEM? I have a friend in
Arad who is NOT proselytizing at all,
yet is getting harassed simply for her belief in Yeshua.

Again, thank you for your reply. I will write to the police address you

God bless!
Carmen @ The Refiner's Fire
Website: www.therefinersfire.org
(The website that works for God's approval rather than man's applause.