Supreme Court Hearing September 12 2005.

Dear prayer partners

It is our joy and encouragement to know you are standing behind us with prayers. The lord is sovereign.

As you have been praying yesterday, I would like to share what actually happened there.

There was no decision made. The judges tried to bring the sides to a compromise. As there was no agreement to reach such compromise, the judges declared they would have to rule over the matter. That is still due to take place.

I assume you know the happenings in Arad during the last year and a half. If you remember, at the beginning of the problems in Arad, there was a big demonstration with about 250 participants just outside the house of Mrs. Polly Sigulim. Terrible things were said there by the demonstrators, which I wrote about in the past. This court hearing was concerning a request by the Ultra-Orthodox to hold a demonstration of 700(!!) right there in front of Polly’s house. The police would not allow it to take place near the house and therefore the ultra orthodox appealed to the Supreme Court.

The judges in this case are – the president of the Supreme Court, Mr. Aaron Barak, Mr. Jubran (an Arab from Christian background) and Mrs. Dalya Dorner (if we remember correctly).

The police was represented by a lawyer from the Ministry of Justice Ms. Michal Tzuk, who understands the severity of the situation in Arad.

The court started with the appellant's lawyer, bringing his case, stating by the way, that the last big demonstration was “peaceful and quiet”, and mentioning all the best reasons why they should have it there.

The police’s lawyer – Michal, tried to show a different picture and convince the judges to decide about a location for the demonstration which is 800 meters away from the house – where it would not be close to private homes. She tried to show the judges the larger picture of the situation in Arad, with small demonstrations taking place a few time a week. She described the situation as real persecution that is taking place here. One of Polly’s neighbors that were there – Mr. Zohar Gallant, whose mother is a holocaust survivor, described very emotionally his feeling when seeing the daily demonstrations that used to take place near Polly’s house. He made a direct parallel between the situation that led to the holocaust in Europe, and the situation in Arad. He called it a contra-anti-Semitism.

Also Polly spoke, and then I was given as well an opportunity to say something (even though I wasn’t one of the official repliers). Polly spoke very well (in Hebrew!), “apologized” for having a different belief and confessed her faith in the New Testament, as a Jewess. She shared with them who she was and told about her children and foster

children. Two of her own boys were sitting in the front row (in military uniform). Amongst other things she told the judges the fact that all the children under her foster care, actually come from messianic (or Christian) backgrounds, and, yes that in the past they did hold small worship meetings at her house.

I tried to show a complete different picture of the last big demonstration near Polly's house. I also tried to describe all the events that are still taking place of continues intimidations harassments in Arad.

To our surprise, the judges (actually Barak was leading the whole session and did almost all of the talking on their side) would not connect the overall situation in Arad to this particular request for a demonstration.

Barak urged the two sides to reach an agreement on a demonstration right there – in front of Polly’s house limited. Michal tried not to go this way but it didn’t help.

Both Polly and I as well as the other believers who were there, thought there is no way we should compromise on this. And in any case, our opinion didn’t really matter. The agreement had to be between the appealers and the police. Michal, who was actually pushed to the corner by the judges suggested to allow a limited demonstration of 100 participants once a year, with no loudspeakers. The judge Barak came with the suggestion of having it once a year only with a “limited” number of 250 (just like the last big demonstration. The appealers said they could ever agree to such an offer and that they return to their first demand – a demonstration of 700 participants.

It was then that the judge dismissed the court, saying the court will have to decide on a verdict.

Personally I am disappointed by Barak’s stand. I didn’t imagine he would allow such an event to happen near a private house. On the other hand, it is just another example that shows us the need to trust the Lord.

Only he is really sovereign. He is trustworthy. He may lead us in the future to use the legal system in other ways. The end of the matter is: only He is trustworthy, only He is our rock and he is sovereign.

The judges still have time to consider the case. Who knows, perhaps they will read the material and rethink the whole issue.

Please pray for:          -     The judge’s decision - they can still change their mind.

-         Us - believers in Arad to discern and to do what is right in the Lord’s eyes.

-         Help to come from the Lord, that He may receive glory, for the benefit of the gospel.

-         Protection for our children.

May God bless you all.