The Haredim’s riots against the Messianics continue.
The town was in turmoil on Sabbath.  Hundreds surrounded a bus and wanted to overturn it.

The Messianics suffered another harassment this Saturday. The Police say that they will handle the peace-breakers with a firm hand. Hundreds of Hassidei Gur rioted and blocked a traffic artery. The Police interrogated City Council Member, Shma’aiah Tennenbaum.

Hundreds of Hassidei Gur stormed towards a bus of the Messianic Community in town, and prevented it from leaving. Women and children that were among the members of the Community were panic-stricken. The Police, with great difficulties, prevented losses of life. The Messianic Community is demanding the swift intervention of the Internal Security Minister, Gidon Ezra, and of the Southern District and the Negev Police Chief Commanders.

An innocent birthday party that was supposed to be celebrated within the Messianic Community, and end in a trip to Nazareth in the North of Israel, was disrupted by hundreds of Hassidei Gur, who feared that this wasn’t an innocent trip, but for the purpose of baptizing Jews and converting them to Christianity.

Intelligence information that flowed to the Haredi Community pointed to a trip for the purpose of baptism in a lake in the North of Israel. Within minutes, the Haredim’s Sabbath prayer was stopped and hundreds of them surrounded the bus while screaming at and cursing anyone who was supposed to be on the bus, and tried to prevent it from leaving. A Police force that was on duty was called to the scene. Also, Arad Police Chief, Superintendent Moshe Ivgi, was summoned, and the Police Operations Room was informed of a serious breach of the peace in the town.

The Police and local journalists started photographing the Haredim’s riot. “There were instances when I thought they would manage to overturn the bus, it was really frightening”, said one of the photographers on the scene. The Police’s camera lens captured City Council Member, Shma’aiah Tennenbaum. The Police Chief instructed his men not to arrest him until after the Sabbath ended.

On Sunday, Shma’aiah Tennenbaum was asked to come to the station for interrogation, where, allegedly, he was presented with evidence connecting him to the riot. The Police suspect Tennenbaum of being an agitator. Shma’aiah Tennenbaum, in his interrogation, confessed to being there, but claims that the Police misinterpret his actions. “I only acted to calm the situation. I’m hardly an agitator who incites people to break the law. It’s true that the Messianics’ actions cause us great distress, because of the missionary activity against Jews, but I don’t encourage breaking the law, nor do I break the law”, said Tennenbaum in his interrogation. At the end of his interrogation, that lasted for over an hour, Tennenbaum was released on self-bail

In the Messianic Community, fear is increasing daily. One of the Community leaders says: “My dream is to speak up openly, without hiding my name. I fear not only for myself but also mainly for the lives of my family members. Those Haredi people are dangerous. This was an innocent trip, and not for the purpose of any religious ritual. I really don’t understand what they want. This time, I commend the Police actions during the riot; they acted with determination and even managed, with great efforts, to release the bus and provide us with protection from those rioters”.

City Council Member, Shma’aiah Tennenbaum, responds: “I admit I was there. I acted to calm the spirits and even prevented, with my body, a grievous injury to one of the journalists. The entire time, my goal was to act calmly and disperse the demonstrators, who were crying out from the walls of their hearts about what’s going on here. After all, we are talking about converting Jews. I strongly deny any of the Police allegations! This is obviously an attempt to harass a public figure and interfere with his political activity! I’m an elected representative and that’s why I was there. I really don’t understand what the Police want with me”.