Beersheva Court… 5 of 7 Bother to Show

What chance does a Christian (Messianic / Messianic Jew) have taking Jewish Religious Leaders to court in Israel? “Ha, ha” They laughed in our face! They grinned in the court room! And gave the thumbs up and high-five’s as they were leaving!

We had finally positively identified (name, address, ID#, and crime photos) 7 Hassidim who have been terrorizing us, mainly targeting our elderly, women, and children.

We petitioned the court for ‘Restraining Orders’. Everyone involved were to appear in court today, but only 5 of the 7 Hassidim bothered. Under any other circumstances this would have been an open/shut case, but this was Christians (Messianic / Messianic Jew) v/s Hassidim in Israel.

The Judge refused to view any of our evidence. He refused to permit our attorney to even approach the bench; it was a mockery of justice.

All ‘Your Honor’ wanted to know was “Have the Hassidim physically assaulted any of us within the last 10 days?” The answer was “no”.

Thus, the verdict was “Undecided” “You waited this long, you can wait a little longer” “Return Oct 16, 2005”

If you're led to make a money contribution, please make your check out to:

Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship (MHCF)
2792 N. Cherry La., Ronks, PA 17572, USA
(Please mark check Charity/Israel).
If you prefer, you may use your credit card or make a bank-to-bank transfer with PayPal (a small administrative fee will be deducted by Paypal).

Edwin Beckford
Sept. 28, 2005