Fight breaks out!
Pensioners/Holcaust Survivors VS Datim

On numerous occasions I’ve pleaded with the police to please do something about these Datim messing with the pensioners & holocaust survivors that patronize the storefront. You would think that after their mass murder attempt, the Datim would automatically be barred from coming within a 100 ft radius of our place. But, when that automatically didn’t happen and we tried to make it happened, we were denied. In other words we lost the case, having to pay their lawyer’s fees, our lawyer’s fees, and the court cost.

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A few months ago, an elderly (Jewish) man was playing dominoes when 2 Datim (late teens or early twenties) came along snatched the man’s hat, running off with it laughing. I figured that these Datim would go around boasting, bragging, and showing the hat off like a prized trophy. Something like this could spark a whole new wave of harassment.

Would this incite a copycat syndrome unleashed? Will someone try to top this by snatching a cane, crutch, or pair of glasses?

Well, today a group of Datim (in their 20’s) came around, trying their best to disrupt the board games and disturb the peace. The pensioners & holocaust survivors were trying to ignore them and continued playing.

The Datim then went over to a domino table that had drinking water sitting on it. They slapped the container and water went all over the dominoes and the guys.

I’m not quite sure what happened next, but when the smoke cleared a couple of Datim were hurting and calling the cops.

Now let me tell you! You see, the Datim (and maybe even the police) are always trying to get something on ME! Normally I would have been outside in the middle of all this (as a Shepherd defending his sheep from a pack of wolves) which would have been all the cops needed to drag me (and only me) down to the station for 6 to 10 hrs of interrogation, while trying their best to pin all kinds of drummed-up charges on me!

But, this time I played it smart! I stayed on the inside and didn’t see a thing! I stayed out of the mix!

Now let me say, I am not like the hireling!
John 10:12-13
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees: and the wolf catches them, and scatters the sheep. The hireling flees, because he is an hireling, and cares not for the sheep.

A couple of weeks ago, Lura told me, there was an altercation between an 84-year old holocaust survivor domino player and one of the Datim outside the storefront and the holocaust survivor got the best of him.

I knew my guys (maybe goats, not sheep) were tough, but not that tough. I believe they can, will, and want to handle these Datim (who they call hooligans) all by themselves.

Anyhow, I am glad I wasn’t directly involved. For one reason, when the cops showed up, they came in like a swat team. One cop had a kippah on and he was carrying an uzi.

Hmmm! What was with the automatic weapon? Who would it had been used on? The Datim? The pensioners & holocaust survivors? Me?

I tried to get a good picture of the cop w/ uzi but there was a lot of commotion. At times like this the cops don’t like me taking their pictures, because they know that I’m called to be a witness for the Lord. Plus the guy with the uzi seemed to be somewhat trigger happy.

I want you to take a good look at the picture! Should these Jewish pensioners & holocaust survivors be subject to this abuse by the so pseudo-righteous ones and the authorities?

The police with the kippah had his finger on the trigger. He may have had the safety on, I don’t know! It may have been an intimidation stunt, I don’t know. But, I do know it’s a bunch of bull running this down on these old people!

One thing I’ve learned from all this, is that God is protecting these pensioners & holocaust survivors, the King’s Men. I have been relieved of duty in that particular area and in this given situation.

Please keep up your prayers! He has answered your prayers of protection! He has personally taken charge in that area or has assigned a band of angels to protect the King’s Men.

These people are not even saved, yet He is showing them this favor. He is allowing them to taste of Him

Hmmm, when you taste of something and it’s good, it makes you want MORE!

Edwin Beckford
September 4, 2006