Court Update

October 25, we were in court again to answer the false charges that two of the Haredim put against Eddie. The Judge asked us to come to a compromise while he took a break. The lawyer for the Haredim wanted Eddie to plead guilty to attacking the Haredim with a statue and in return they would make sure it did not appear as a conviction on his record, plus they wanted him to do community service.

We refused their offer since this is a false charge and the attack never took place.

They reduced their request for community service from 6 months to six days. We still refused and finally Eddie told them, God said we are not to bear false witness and we are not going to do that even to ourselves. (Plus, we already do community service with the King's Men Chess and Bible Shop, the clothing distribution, etc.)

So the Judge postponed any decision until Nov. 22. We will have to return and go through this again. They think it is an obvious decision since the Haredim are both witnessing against Eddie. (2 against one, but I already told the police that Eddie was with me and we were sleeping at the time of the alleged “attack” -21:30 pm. So the Haredim changed the time of the “attack” to 16:30 p,m, ) The Judge should have thrown the case out. We will see what the Lord will do. We appreciate your prayers.

FYI: The Haredim have no problems lying against people who are not of their sect. The Talmud specifically gives permission to lie if it will further their cause. The Talmud is a collection of stories and teachings about the Old Testament and is accepted as a higher authority than the Word of God by the Haredim.

Blessings, Lura and Eddie