

Things at this point seem uncertain. I’ve been wondering every night whether or not the Datim will show up at the house and try to break in again. I’m not so much afraid of them protesting. I believe in a free country that people should have the right to protest, provided they obtain a proper permit, obey all laws of the City and keep things under control. Lines need to be drawn by law enforcement, however, to prevent people from getting hurt and to protect private property. Sadly, no such lines seem to be drawn in Arad. I hate having to worry when I go to sleep at nights, whether or not they are going to be able to get into the house and hurt me, or set the place on fire.


I called Eddie’s landlord about the break-in attempt and asked him to file a Police report, since he is the owner of the house. His response to me was extremely cold. He told me that the problems I have with the Datim are my own problems and he would not get involved. Upset at his response, I marched into the Police Dept. myself and asked for something to be done about this because I’m on vacation and don’t want to worry at nights when I go to sleep. I came here to rest from the pressures of life back home.


The Police took me into a room and questioned me like a criminal. I felt stupid. They told me they couldn’t write a report because I’m just a tourist and if the case went to court, I wouldn’t be available. They stated they were already aware of the local problems in Arad and sent me on my way.