Monday Drama

Handling Arabic gospel material can be very hazardous to your health, especially here in the Middle East! A couple of years ago, an Arab guy showed his friends his Jesus video, New Testament Bible, and testimonial books, telling them about his new found Savior…and they sent his body back to his family in 4 pieces.

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Ever since the intifada (Palestinian-Israeli conflict) which began in September, 2000 … Arabic gospel material has become very scarce. But praise God our well has never ran dry!

Not too many people want to handle this stuff which means…More for Us!

The young Arab lady wearing the “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt (lets call her “J”) has been helping me with the used clothes on Mondays for a couple of months. God is using her in an awesome way! During the month of Ramadan at least 2 Arabs found out that Jesus does love them!

The devil hates us, the work we are doing, and he really hates those “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts! Well, today satan attacked “J”! Let me explain:

There’s a little Jewish woman name Edna (I gave you her name so you can pray for her). She runs a used bookstore in the shuk (market place). She is demon possessed if I ever seen one.

Satan used this possessed woman to hit “J” beside her head with a sack full of books.

When the police arrived, one uniform and 2 undercover, they seized “J” who was still reeling from the blow to her head.

The uniform cop grabbed her in a headlock while the other two held her. Then the cops man handled and dragged her into the storefront using the headlock grip. “J” was then taken to the police station and the clinic. She is currently barred for the shuk (marketplace) for the next 3 weeks, while the demon possessed woman is still running wild.

This is not the way a cop should handle an unarmed woman, especially an Arab woman here in the Middle East, with so many Arab onlookers!

The police were yelling at "J" in Hebrew. "J" wears hearing-aides in both ears, speaks only Arabic and a little Hebrew, did not understand why she was being arrested and treated this way.

If you're led to make a money contribution, please make your check out to:

Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship (MHCF)
2792 N. Cherry La., Ronks, PA 17572, USA
(Please mark check Charity/Israel).
If you prefer, you may use your credit card or make a bank-to-bank transfer with PayPal (a small administrative fee will be deducted by Paypal).

Edwin Beckford
November 20, 2006