Thanksgiving Day Dinner for 30

We wanted to have and share Thanksgiving Day Dinner with all its trimmings!

Our Guest List: 1. All frontline storefront troops (Arad): Me, Lura, Rebeka, Michelle, “J”, and Polly (Hmmm, I be the only man. What’s wrong with this picture?) 2. The needy (Arad): the bag ladies, town drunks, homeless, and drug addicts 3. American Believers (Arad): Polly & family, and a couple of other families 4. The King’s Men (the Domino/Chess players): Praise God the majority of them won’t eat in a fancy restaurant even if you were giving the food away for free!

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But, when we counted the cost, we didn’t have nearly the funds to make this happen.

If I had only put the cost of this dinner up on the net…we had not because we asked not!

But lo and behold, on 11.11.06, less than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving…God provided cash money from Believers like you!

Without asking, God knew our desire. He looked over our Guest List and evidently approved. The Believers He used didn’t know anything about the dinner. Wow, what a God!

The turkeys had to be specially ordered and trucked (not flown) in.

It was all good! The chief was thankful at the restaurant, because he recently rented the place next to us for $600 plus a month and sometimes goes weeks without any business.

Polly was excited and thankful because she is the widow with 9 or 10 mouths to feed, and today she didn’t have to cook, nor wash any dishes! Plus, the food was great!

I think all the Americans, the needy, and the frontline troops were the most thankful. The King’s Men were a close runner-up.

One of the King’s Men present is an atheist. He was listening intensely as I told everyone that this is an American holiday; a day when no one (if all possible) goes to bed hungry, without a piece of turkey, and without thanking God.

Then Lura blessed the Lord and thanked Him for the food; it was all good, Amen.

Edwin Beckford
November 23, 2006