Russian Messianic Calendars

Believers in The Netherlands sent us a bundle of Russian Messianic Calendars! We received them one day and they were all gone by the next. I did manage to save one for the storefront’s bulletin board.

All the calendars went to the King’s Men (the domino/chess players).

I’m sure that every Russian Believer in Arad would have loved to have had one, but the King’s Men needed them. They were given to the needy – not the greedy (spiritually speaking).

I also made sure that they each knew that these calendars came from Believers in The Netherlands who also paid 34.25 EUROS in postage!

I try to milk these Blessings for all they’re worth!

Their eyes got big upon seeing the calendars, got bigger when I showed them the package to see for themselves: from The Netherlands 34.25 EUROS (Sent with Love!)

Edwin Beckford
November 23, 2006