

I think that's what makes it so hard for me, seeing Jewish faces call me a bastard, and calling Jesus a bastard. They also throw rocks at Michelle (a 7 year old interracial Jewish little girl) and calling her nigger. These things go against all grains of human decency.
The worst thing they've done is burn the chess club here while a holocaust survivior was inside. Luckily he got out OK, but imagine surviving Adolf Hitler, the Concentration Camps and the Nazis, only to be brought back to you own Land and be burned alive by your own Jewish people.
If anything all of this has helped me to understand better what Jesus suffered. He was rejected and cursed by His own people in His own land too. All this shouldn't shock me, but, yes...it's tough to see happen in front of you.
I will pray for them, as I remember how the Apostle Paul was the Pharisee of Pharisees, but was transformed. Praise God. His grace is even greater than I have ever imagined.