11-16-07 … the date that I sent this e-mail out to my mailing list!


Below is a testimony from B* which she sent to the American Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel. She is a 60 year old hair stylist from New York.  She is staying in AradIsrael for several months visiting elderly Israeli women to cut their hair and do their nails for them. She is a very nice lady and I was sad to see what happened to her the other night here.
---My name is B*. I am an American tourist, a mother and a grandma visiting friends in Arad Israel for the second time. I love the land and people and would like to visit again. BUT, as a widow, I wonder if it would be safe coming alone.
This time, after being here for a month, I have been getting harassed by some Orthodox Jewish men. The first time I was sitting on the deck outside the house with friends. They started yelling at us. We didn't pay attention to them. I was told they like to do things like this. I don't understand why in a democratic country they would do this. But suddenly two men jumped off the wall, then two other men came from down the street together as a angry group towards me. 
They then started to run towards the house while banging things, yelling, making fists and running up the steps. I told them to get off the property or I would call the police. Then I ran into the house (not knowing what they would do). I called the police. The police came. I made a report. Nothing happened to the men. They came again after that and they stood outside yelling. We didn't pay attention to them or call the police. I didn't think the police would help me.
Finally, on Nov. 12, 2007 I went for a walk. When I came back they were across the street from the house. I saw them so I walked on the other side of the street. When I turned to go into the house I saw one of the men jump off the wall. He was running, screaming and waving his fists as if he was going to hit me. He was very angry. Knowing I did not have time to make it inside, I screamed for him to leave me alone. This made him stop for a minute. Giving me time to run into the house and call the police. 
I made a report and again nothing happened. It seems that if you are an Orthodox Jewish man, you can harass people. No one will do anything to you. Even, if it is a woman alone out for a walk. Can you call this a democratic country when the police do nothing to help you when being harassed by Orthodox Jewish men?