

My final day at the chess club was a lot of fun. I talked with one of the regular Orthodox Jews who stand at the door and protest. He asked me what the first commandment in the Torah was. What immediately came to mind were the Ten Commandments. The first and most important commandment is to worship the one true God and put no other gods before Him. He squawked at my reply and said this proves I know nothing about the Torah. It was kind of a trick question because the first commandment God gave is in Genesis 1:28. “Be fruitful and multiply”. I felt a little embarrassed and figured I should lick my wound and try to ask him a tough question. Actually, the question wouldn’t be too tough for anyone who has actually read the Book of Daniel, which is certainly a Jewish book found in the Old Testament.


The question was, “Who was the fourth person found in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach and Appendigo”? The guy didn’t even know who these Old Testament Bible characters were. He calls himself an “Orthodox Jew”? Where was he schooled? His teacher should be fired. Oh well. Later on this morning, he declared himself to be the Messiah. I was thrilled to hear that and was hoping he could heal a small abscess on the back of my left hand. He told me he couldn’t do this. He suggested that I ask “my Jesus” to perform the miracle.