Town Meeting Announcement
Town Meeting Announcement
Word on the street was that there was going to be another big demonstration against the followers of Christ in Arad. Word had it that there would be 3,000 Jewish radical extremists bused into town. The word came from our Christian Arab friends (watchmen on the wall).

I wanted to get a hard copy, something in writing before setting of the alarm! Well, today bulletins were found posted all over town! The alarm (e-mail alert) was sent and prayer warriors, world wide, got busy!

God bless you prayer warriors! Thanks for standing with up!

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English Translation thanks to Rebekah
English Translation thanks to Rebekah 
With God's help. Wake up residents of Arad! The missionaries continue to hunt souls. Will we remain silent?? An awakening assembly about the dangers of the Mission in Arad. The assembly will be held at the conclusion of the Sabbath Parshas Vayishlach, 14th of Kislev 5768 (24/11/07), 20:30. In the hall by the main Sephardic synagogue with the participation of the Chief Rabbis of Arad. Speaker: Rabbi Alex Artovski, the head of the department for struggle against the Mission, "Yad L'achim" Activist Organization. A fascinating audio-visual show about the Mission's activities will be shown during the assembly.