Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 04:50:11 -0500





 NOVEMBER 8, 2009





 Thanks to all who have written and are continuing to pray us through this stage of the journey.  We appreciate you and our fellowship in Yeshua is important to us, indeed I don't think I have ever had the proper appreciation for the Body of Messiah until this trial.  I only hope and pray that I will be as faithful to stand by others as you have been to stand by our family in our hour of crisis.  (2Cor. 1:8-11)



The remand in custody for Yakov Teitel has been extended again for one week.  The reason that he hasn't been indicted yet is because the investigation is still ongoing, and there are other murders that it is suspected that he was involved in. Evidence is still being gathered.  It is very probable that he was involved in the murders of two more Palestinians, and two Israeli policemen who were murdered in the Jordan Valley 8 months ago. 

The story was front page news in all the major newspapers, TV news, and talk shows last week.  Our prayers were answered and I believe that the name of Yeshua was honored in our interviews.  Ami spoke very well  and  maturely, as most of the reporters wanted to speak to him mainly, first person, and not through us.  Going back to the moment again and again took an emotional toll on him, but he did very well.  In one of the news broadcasts, David shared that he felt pity for Teitel and his family, because he had brought shame on his family, on the religious community and on Israel.  He said that he prayed that God would have mercy on him.  Many friends and neighbors in Ariel were touched by this.  They said that Teitel had no mercy on our family, and yet David prayed for God to have mercy on his.  

Our faces were splashed all over the media, TV and all the major newspapers.  I belong to a Weight Watchers group of which half are orthodox Jewish women (only two men in a group of about 30 women!)  This past Friday as I was walking into the meeting room, I wondered what kind of reactions I would get.  The group leaders didn't acknowledge anything, and I was fine with that because I can gladly put aside the whole subject for an hour to concentrate on something else, but as soon as I sat down an Orthodox woman approached me.  She and her 3 daughters are regular members, and she's often had helpful comments and is very outgoing.  She came up to me with tears in her eyes, and said, I am from Shvut Rachel (the settlement where Teitel has lived for the past 6 years).  She expressed that the settlement is in shock, and that they really didn't know what Teitel was involved in.  In fact, Teitel was very isolated from most of the rest because he didn't speak Hebrew - he is originally from the U.S.  She said that everyone in the settlement helps one another, and he often gave her a ride to the clinic or the post office, and she was in total shock.  Tears were streaming down her face by now as she said, "we are so sorry for what has happened, and we want  you to know that we are with  you." She wanted to know how Ami is recovering, and I shared with her what he has had to go through, but that God has been with us all, and many miracles have taken place as people have prayed. 




 Teitel's defense lawyer is claiming that he is insane and not fit to stand trial.  The court appointed psychiatrist said that although he had schizoid tendencies (loner, apathetic to others)  he is totally functional, intelligent and fully able to stand trial.  The family are hiring a private psychiatrist to do an independant evaluation.

In the meantime, a second man was arrested, suspected of being Teitel's accomplice. His name is Yosef Aspinoza, and he is also an American immigrant.  It is clear that Teitel didn't work alone.  Throughout the  years,  he passed out literature to the surrounding settlements espousing his ideology.  He also passed out a bomb- making manual, which detailed how to make the exact bombs he used against us, Sternhel and others.  The manual  encouraged people to use these bombs against the police, and others.   The literature was all in perfect, sophisticated Hebrew, of which Teitel speaks practically none.   Aspinoza has been released for the time being but the investigation is continuing on his track as well as others who were involved in Teitel's network.

If you've read the newspapers, you will know that Teitel is also wanted in the U.S. for "serious, violent crimes".  BBC, Swedish, Dutch and Norwegian media interviewed us and have also reported on our story, as well as the Associated Press.  The AP article has been picked up by Fox, MSNC and newspapers  all over the U.S. and the world, by Christian and seclar media.  It has been time consuming and tiring, but the Lord gives strength.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This past week, we were reading an article about Teitel's first victim in 1997.  He was a Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem, Samir Balbisi, age 22.  However, in the article, the family's name wasn't mentioned, neither the details of the incident, and we felt it was so impersonal.  David breathed  out a prayer in his heart to be able to meet the family.

 Later that day,  our lawyer called to tell us that the Jewish  reporter for Arab affairs of the most widely read newspaper in Israel (the magazine section of the Friday edition of Yidiot Ahronot) wanted our family and the Balbisi family to meet in our house, and to be interviewed together.  We were so excited! Akram (Samir's father) and Hani (the brother) arrived at 7PM, and we immediately had a bond which crossed all borders.  They are a special family whose son was brutally murdered by TeitelSamir was a student of Technology during the day in a Jerusalem college, and he worked as a taxi driver at night to support his studies.  Teitel entered his taxi, asked to be taken to a hotel, and in a dark place, shot Samir point blank in the head.  The murder has gone unsolved for 12 years until now, even though in 1997 and then in 2000 Teitel was questioned by the police in connection with the crime,  but there wasn't enough evidence to arrest him.
The article was entitled "Brothers by Blood" and it was powerful.  We will keep in contact with them.  Hani called David a few days later and said, "we are family now".  We pray that justice will be done for this family as well who have no hate or bitterness, only sorrow and pain.  We will translate the article into English when we can, and will send it out.

2 Corinthians 1:8-11    
8 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. 9 Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, 10 who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us, 11 you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many.
In Yeshua,