Word From Yerushalaim



Prayer alert: This is just a brief update on the current ongoing persecution of Messianic believers in Arad Israel. Lord knows the time for the veil to be removed is at hand. Please continue to pray for the body of believers in Arad.


One of the congregational leaders in Arad, was asked him if there is any improvement in the situation there.  He said, not only is there no improvement, but things have gotten worse.  He says that now there is a weekly gathering of 50 Orthodox outside his house for the purpose of harassment and incitement against his family.  While the police are always present, they do nothing to stop the harassment and have become somewhat apathetic to the entire situation.  He mentioned that he went to the local fruit market yesterday and one of the Orthodox who saw him started yelling out, "there's the biggest missionary of them all".  No one in the market knew what to make of it, but things like this are a common occurrence.  The moment that a believer is spotted in the street, he or she becomes a verbal target of abuse and harassment.