You had better put pressure on the police in Arad once again to constrain the violent thugs (Gur) who call themselves "Hasidim". Is Israel a democracy or not? Are its people to be treated with equal dignity and receive equal protection or not? If you think the tens of thousands of us in America who are watching this travesty taking place are gullible you are wrong! This isn't about an Hasidic group feeling "threatened" by the mere presence of messianic Jews. It is THUGGERY! Either do something about it or watch your support in this part of the world evaporate.


If the Arad police won't do the right thing for conscience' sake, how about so they won't be the cause of withering tourist support from the US? This would make for very, very bad P.R. here in America, and it has already warranted an article in WORLD Magazine


I hope to hear that genuine action is taking place to stop these despicable acts of intimidation and harassment.



Rabbi Glenn Harris

Birmingham, MI