
You had better wake up and do something about the lawlessness of the Gur Haredim in the city of Arad. They are harassing and threatening messianic Jews in such a manner as I would expect of barbarians. If you expect America to respect Israel as a democratic and just government, then put pressure on the police in Arad, who conveniently "look the other way" when these violent thugs scream profanities and threaten children and pregnant women. Do you really think we're so stupid as to believe the Gur are doing this in "self-defense" because they feel religiously threatened?


I and tens of thousands of others (many of whom are in positions of influence) will be watching you, to see if Israel is the democracy it claims to be. You cannot exclude one group as undeserving of police protection merely because they have a difference of opinion on Moshiach.


If doing the right thing for conscience' sake doesn't motivate you, how about the prospect of losing the support of your greatest ally in the world, not to mention considerable tourist dollars?



Rabbi Glenn Harris

Birmingham, MI USA