Supply (400 tons of used clothes) & Demand (none for us) …

as God watches!


Note: All the ‘red’ print is from me to you!  It was not part of the actual correspondence.


Forward to me (Eddie) 12/13/06


We received a huge amount of second-hand clothing.  (400 tons.)

If there are ministries that are in need of clothing to distribute (for free), we invite them to contact us.  We have a truck and will deliver.  Minimum order - one pallet.

Some of the clothing is from
O. C. and will need to be sorted through, folded, etc.  I have seen it and it is good quality, yet a small amount will not be 100% presentable and you can toss it.   Some are Summer and some are Winter-weight.

May the community be blessed, and all

Blessings, J.P.



Reply 12/15/06

Dear J.P.,

   Heard that you have some used clothes!  I could use 4 pallets for starters.  I am located in Arad

   In Yeshua's Name, Edwin (Eddie) Beckford


Reply 12/15/06

Dear Edwin,
What organization are you with, and what is their ministry?



I sent these two photos:

   Photo #1 click here

   Photo #2 click here

And Lura wrote:

Hi J.P.  It's been a long time!  My husband Eddie wrote to you about clothes.  We have The King's Men Chess and Bible Shop Ministry here in Arad.  We give clothes away to all kinds of people every Monday at the shuk.  My phone number is 054 750 8844 and the house phone is (08) 997-2807 (same as when Milt was alive).  So are you able to deliver the clothes? 
 Lura (Maiman) Beckford


Reply 12/16/06

Hi Lura,

It is great to hear from you!

Yes, we can bring you as much clothing as you need -- however, for more than just a small amount, we are under stipulation by the Ministry of Welfare to provide the
disposition information (see form attached).  We have 28 Messianic-run centers in the country, all using this form. 

People can go and pick out, but they cannot leave your booth until you sign them out.
Name, address, phone number, T. Zehut and quantity in kg taken (estimation based on an average weight per piece).  Each pallet is approximately 272 kg.  Some you will want to toss if they have a spot -- but then record on a line how many kg you tossed.

All you need to do is fax me this form once monthly and we'll supply you with a number of pallets each month, as long as you want them.  However, the form is required.  As you know, we have a seemingly endless supply of clothing just for your purpose.

I am required to fax this form to the Min. of Welfare Dept. of Public Institutions (of which we are one).  I am faxing voluminous amounts of this form each month.  Do you have an amuta (legal non-profit org)?  Even if you do not, it is OK.

Let me know.




Lura wrote:

Hi J.P. - We do not have an amuta and we would have a problem getting anybody to sign their name, much less an address.  We put the clothes out on tables one day a week and the Russians (mostly new immigrants) and the Bedouins descend upon them.  Both groups are very suspicious and act as quickly as possible because the Haredim are screaming at us and them - so that would be impossible.  Even at the bank, the Bedouins give their thumb print as ID and they don't have addresses.  The tribe leader has a box in the desert and he gets everyone's mail.
We run into bureaucracy with all these "ministries".  Why does the government need to know anything about people taking used clothes?  We are a private charity work that does not deal with money at all, therefore we do not have to file any papers.  We like it like that, so guess we will have to forego the clothes - It was a nice idea, but the Lord can bring them from other sources; He has provided clothes every week so far.  Thanks anyway, Lura


Reply 12/16/06 (excerpt)

Hi Lura,

The Dept of Public Institutions (Ministry of Welfare) controls the import of used textiles.  So they are making their requirements when they give the approval. Black market is the big issue (and tax evasion).  Their question:  Are we
(Christians) selling (used clothes).  This is the problem.  We must prove that we gave them.



12/17/06 (excerpt)

Lura wrote:

Hi J.P. -- Here's the situation -- Anyone with an Amuta has given the government the right to come in and take all the information about the believers - mailing lists, names, etc. 

The Haredim here in Arad have actually visited people (non-believers) who have received help from the believers and threatened them - no burial in a Jewish cemetery - no brit milahs for their children, no kashrut certificates for their restaurants, etc.  You see what we are dealing with.

I understand your position with the textile industry, but the more we tailor our charities to government rules, the worse we will be.  Perhaps the J.P. should tell people not to send their used clothes here - too many rules, plus the cost of sending it...(port fees do not help Israel much since the ports are run by foreigners).  ----maybe just send their money instead and help the economy flourish by buying clothes right here???  Just a thought.  Blessings!  Lura


Reply 12/17/06 (excerpt)

Hi Lura,

About the lists of names -- these are lists of poor people who receive used clothing, not
lists of names of believers. 
(Hmmm…there are poor people believers needing use clothes too.)  Poor people do not care what they have to do to get stuff, so
they don't mind giving their details (and of course, we have no knowledge whether they put down the correct information or not). 
(I interact with poor everyday and they ‘do care’ what they have to do to get stuff.  And for those who don’t, it’s a tell tale sign that they have lost their dignity, self-respect, and self-worth somewhere along the way and need restoration not exploitation.  It’s bad enough that we have to distribute our clothes right in an open air market.  It’s bad enough that the Datim take their pictures.  But the market place is where the poor do their shopping!  And, how we treat them makes all the difference in the world.  We threat each person with the utmost of respect.  We wait on them hand & foot…not only in the name of Jesus, but in His love.  The Love of Jesus has wondrous working power.   I’m finding out that applying the Love of Jesus is a cure all, works every time, all purpose remedy.  Hmmm…could applying the Love of Jesus be the same as applying the Blood?)

Yes, I have a plan to change the way I import clothing, and I am going to start using it
next year probably.  Everyone is getting tired of dealing with these authorities about it.  I don't recommend buying clothing here -- too expensive.

Love, J.P.


Bottom line, a Christian organization is sitting on tons of used clothes, taking up expensive storage space, etc.  We could really use some.  But we will not turn the names and addresses of reciprocates over to the government.  I don’t believe that the government really suspects Christians of selling used clothes.  The whole world knows that we are on the giving end when it comes to Israel. 


I do believe that this is another means of getting names and addresses of so called Christian/Messianic sympathizers.  Why would a government want such a list?  Are we really approaching the end times?  Could such a list be useful during the tribulation?


Hmmm, how much can I sell a used shirt for?