The District Of Galilee

G-d gave the land of Canaan to the Jews but it was occupied by men like giants, the Canaanites. After defeating the Canaanites, Jacob called the land "Israel" and divided it among eleven of his twelve sons. Thus dividing the land into eleven districts. Within these districts sprung up settlements, towns, and cities.

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Each succeeding conqueror of the land did likewise: Dividing and renaming the land as they saw fit. Renaming settlements, towns, and cities. Destroying, expanding, and building anew…

During the time of Jesus, Israel was under the control of the Roman Empire. The Romans renamed Israel "Palestine", also changing the names of districts, cities, towns, and settlements at will. Some names they left untouched.

The land has been occupied and reoccupied. I'm not exactly a history buff, but I can fill-in a few missing pieces: most recently the Crusaders, Turks, Arabs, and British.

In 1948 the Jews finally got their land back. They renamed the land "Israel" and restored many of the original names back to their cities.

Many of you are familiar with the geographic names used during Jesus' time. Where these names differ from what we call them today, I try to point out. For example: Cush = Ethiopia, Persia = Iran, Babylonia = Iraq, etc.

Note! I didn't get to see all of Galilee, but I did see the following: The Sea of Galilee; the cities Capernaum, Tabgha, and Tibberias; Mt Arbel, Mt Tabor, and the Mt of the Beatitudes.