Entered The Land Of Jordan

Southern Jordan is divided into 3 sections: Edom, Moab, and Ammon. I visited Edom. I've highlighted the sites I seen in red.

Note: Lot's two daughters each had a son. One's name was Moab and the other Ben-Ammi. Gen 19:37-38 Also, Isaac had two sons, non-identical twins named Jacob and Esau. Gen 25:24-26 Esau's name was later changed to Edom. Gen 25:29-30

  1. Edom (Seir) - Named after Edom (Esau), one of Isaac's two sons. Thus becoming the land of the Edomites (Arabs). Deut 2:8

    1. Aqaba (Ezion Geber) - The port city where King Solomon built & harbored his fleet of merchant ships 1 Kings 9:29, 2 Chron 8:17. Also, Aqaba was the major city overthrown by Lawrence of Arabia, thus making him famous.

    2. The Red Sea

    3. Wadi Rum - The portion of the Arabian Desert where Lawrence of Arabia was filmed.

    4. Mount Hor - Aaron's (Moses' brother) burial place. Num 33:38-39

    5. 'Ain Moussa (Spring of Moses) - The area's principle water source. Is said to be where the Musa (Moses) struck a rock with his staff to extract water. Num 20:7-11. This water flows and runs into a man made pool where people come to gather it. Note! I have video footage of me drinking from the Ain Moussa.

    6. Petra (Bozrah) - Is where the Jewish Leaders will seek refuge during the 7 year Tribulation. Mat 24:15-16, Luke 21:20-22

      1. A crucial trade route ran between Jordan, the Red Sea, Damascus and southern Arabia. Petra became a wealthy commercial crossroads. Camel caravans carrying spices, incense, gold, iron, copper, sugar, medicines, ivory, perfumes, fabrics, etc. had to pay dearly to ensure a safe passage.

      2. Petra is also where the Indiana Jones moive 'Last Crusade' was filmed.

  2. Moab (Ar) - Named after Moab, one of Lot's grandsons who dwelt in the land. Thus becoming the land of the Moabites (Arabs). Deut 2:9, Deut 2:29

    1. Mt Nemo - Upon which Moses seen the promise land (Deut 32:49, Deut 34:1-4) and where he was buried (Deut 32:50, Deut 34:5)

  3. Ammon - Named after Ben Ammi, Lot's other grandson who dwelt in the land. Thus becoming the land of the Ammonites (Arabs). Deut 2:19-21