The Mount of Olives, Bethphage, and Bethany

Went to the Mount of Olives. It is located east of Jerusalem and separated by the Kidron Valley. Zech 14:4 The Mount of Olives is an Arab district, thus not a safe place to be. Had to sneak in, pop a few pictures, and sneak out.

  1. The Mount of Olives - depicted by the circle in the diagram

    The Mount of Olives was one of Yeshua (Jesus) and his disciple's hangouts. Matt 24:3, Matt 26:30, Mark 13:3, Mark 14:26-27, Luke 22:39, John 7:53/8:1

    Yeshua will stand triumphantly upon the Mount of Olives after rescuing the remnant of Israel and destroying their enemies, during his 2nd coming. The Mount will then split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley. Half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south. Zech 14:4

    1. Jewish Cemetery (SW slope) - These plots on the Mount of Olives are reserved only for the rich. Some Jews with lots of money have their bodies sent here from the states and elsewhere just to be buried. Some have their estates liquidated to cover the cost. Guess they figure when the Messiah comes, they'll be first in line.

      Note! When an area becomes an Arab jurisdiction, the Arabs usually desecrate anything that’s sacred to the Jews. Since all of the Mount of Olives, including the Jewish cemetery, is now Arab territory, desecration has taken place. Jewish tombstone have been removed and used as bathroom tiles in Arab homes, the last offense is that the cemetery is being used as a Arab garbage dump.

    2. Garden of Gethsemane (an olive garden) - the section of the Mount of Olives where Yeshua prayed "let this cup pass from me…" Matt 26:36, Mark 14:32-36 Also, Yeshua was betrayed and arrested while in this garden. Matt 26:36-50, Mark 14:32-46, John 18:1&2 It is located on the NW slope and it still has a grove of old olive trees that date back to Biblical times!

    3. Bethphage - was the little area where Yeshua told his disciples to get him the donkey that he rode into Bethlehem. Mark 11:1&2 It rested on the SE slope of the Mount of Olives. Note! Bethphage no longer exists. Where it was is now part of Bethany.

    4. Town of Bethany - is the town where Lazarus lived, thus the place where Yeshua raised him from the dead. John 11:14&17 It's located on the eastern slope of The Mount of Olives and spreads out, covering more area (depicted in blue). Note! I took a couple of controversial pictures while here: The alleged site of Lazarus' tomb and of the alleged Oldest House in Bethany.

  2. Kidron Valley (Brook Kidron) - a brook runs through the valley during the wet season, but remains dry much of the year.

    1. In biblical days the Kidron Valley was used as a dump and a place for burning trash. 2 Kings 23:4, 6, & 12; 2 Chron 15:16, 2 Chron 29:16, 2 Chron 30:14. Archeologists have discovered evidence of an ancient footbridge that spanned Brook Kidron, connecting Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives.

    2. Muslim Cemetery - the Muslims have built a cemetery in the Kidron Valley, in an area along its western slope, right in front of the Golden Gate. Years ago they heard rumors about Jesus (Yeshua) returning to the Mount of Olives and then entering Jerusalem through its west gate. So they sealed the gate shut and built a cemetery in its path. They figured that Yeshua would not defile himself by walking through a cemetery. And if that didn't stop him, the sealed entranceway would!