The Lemba Tribe

The Lost Tribe of Israel (video 5 part series)... Click HERE! ... HOT!

wikipedia Lemba
Kulanu (All of Us) Lemba Tribe
youtube All the Cohanim (Priests) are descendents of one Cohen... video 100% DNA Proof Doesn't Matter... according to these on-line Rabbinical Scholars

05-08-12 Unlike many 'lost tribes,' Zimbabwe clan has science on its side
03-18-10 DNA tests support Zimbabwe tribe's claim of Jewish roots
03-07-10 Arutz Sheva Another Fragment of the Lost Tribes of Israel Found in Africa?
06-12-09 JP DNA and paternity testing...HOT!
02-22-00 PBS/NOVA Lost Tribes of Israel
Aug. 1999 Bernardetti & Mausenbaum "A story of the Lemba and me"

To whom it may concern: National Geographic NOVA has made awesome documentary about the Lemba Tribe! It's titled "Lost Tribes of Israel" and can be purchased by calling WGBH Boston Video at 1-800-255-9424 for $19.95 plus S&H. Eddie