The 12 tribes of Israel

Abram (Abraham) & Sarai (Sarah)
Abram (Abraham) Gen 17:5 had 3 wives plus concubines.
He was buried in Hebron Gen 25:7-10 ... (Cave of the Machpelah)

Abraham's wives:
1st wife: Sarai (Sarah) Gen 11:29 & 17:15
She is buried in Hebron Gen 23:1-2 ... (Cave of the Machpelah)
2nd wife: Hagar (she started out being Sarah's handmaid, an Eygptian bondwoman) Gen 16:1 & 16:3
3rd wife: Keturah Gen 25:1

Abraham's sons:
1st son: Ishmael by Hagar Gen 16:15 & 25:12
2nd son: Issac by Sarah Gen 17:19-21 & 21:2-3

3rd son: Zimran by Keturah
4th son: Jokshan by Keturah
5th son: Medan by Keturah
6th son: Midian by Keturah
7th son: Ishbak by Keturah
8th son: Shuah by Keturah
Gen 25:2

Plus sons from concubines Gen 25:5-6

Issac & Rebekah
Issac had 1 wife named Rebekah Gen 24:67 (a Syrian) Gen 25:20 who gave him 2 sons (ferternal twins).
Both Issac & Rebekah were buried in Hebron Gen 35:27-29 & 49:30-31 ... (Cave of the Machpelah)

Issac's sons:
1. Esau (Edon) by Rebekah... Father of the Arabs
2. Jacob (Israel) Gen 35:10 by Rebekah... Father of the Jews
Gen 25:21-26

Jacob (Israel) & Zilpah
Jacob (Israel) had 4 wifes. Altogether they gave him 12 sons and 1 daughter. His 12 son's offsprings became the 12 tribes of Israel.
Jacob was buried in Hebron Gen Gen 50:4-5 & 12-13 ... (Cave of the Machpelah)

Jocob's (Israel's) wives
1st wife: Leah Gen 29:16-26
2nd wife: Rachel Gen 29:27-29
She is buried in Hebron Gen 35:19
3rd wife: Bilhah (she started out being Rachel's handmaid) Gen 29:29 & 30:4
4th wife: Zilpah (she started out being Leah's handmaid) Gen 29:24 & 30:9
Zilpah is said to be buried in Tiberias ... ***(Tomb of the Matriarchs) ***

Jocob's (Israel's) 12 sons... Thus the twelve tribes of Israel:
1st son: Reuben by Leah
2nd son: Simeon by Leah
3rd son: Levi by Leah
4th son: Judah by Leah
Gen 29:31-35

5th son: Dan by Bilhah
6th son: Naphtali by Bilhah
Gen 30:1-8

7th son: Gad by Zilpah Gen 30:9-12

8th son: Asher by Zilpah Gen 30:12-13

9th son: Issachar by Leah
10th son: Zebulun by Leah
plus 1 daughter: Dinah Gen 34:1 by Leah
Gen 30:15-21

11th son: Joseph by Rachel Gen 30:22-24

12th son: Benjamin by Rachel Gen 35:16-18

Thus, the 12 tribes of Israel are:
The Tribe of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. And the Igbos of Nigeria are the descendants of the lost tribe of Gad.