Defending Israel



I heard something very strange the other day:  A well-known preacher was calling for the United States to attack Iran “in order to defend Israel”.


Many Christians are joining the war cries.  Israel will be destroyed if we don’t prevent it.”  “We must bless Israel…” “It is our duty to defend her, etc. etc.”


The Lord has something totally different to say:


1.    He promised that Israel will live in peace and her enemies will not war against her IF she obeys the Lord. Exodus 23:20-33. Deuteronomy 33:26-29


2.    The Lord is her defense and she is not to depend upon other nations and she is not to make treaties with other nations.


3.    She will be turned over to her own devices if she depends upon other nations for her defense. Psalm 81:8-14, I Samuel 12:9-10


4.    The Land will be given to her and she may dwell in it IF she does not commit abominations and worship other gods.  In other words, the Jews have the Land but they are only allowed to live in it as long as they obey the Lord. 


5.    The Land will vomit her out if she commits abominations and worships other gods. Slowly the Land is vomiting out its inhabitants in the modern state of Israel.  Leviticus 18:25-28


6.    God has promised that Israel will live before Him and no thing and no one will be able to destroy her.  Jeremiah 31:35-37


7.    God has a plan for Israel and it involves her repentance and turning back to Him.  That’s why she needs to hear the gospel!  The Lord is allowing her to go her own way and this brings hardship and that is what is happening today and will continue to happen until the day Israel repents and calls for Messiah Y’shua returns. Hosea 5:14-15 & 6:1-3, Psalm 80:14-19,  Matthew 23:39



The United States does not need to defend Israel in order to further her existence.  The Lord wants to show Himself strong on her behalf and will not share His Glory with another.  He has promised to bless those who bless Israel, but interference in God’s Plan is not a blessing! Instead it prolongs Israel's suffering.  Sharing the gospel is the greatest blessing we can give to her!


Going to war with Iran will not bless her.  It will certainly bring death and great distress upon the USA.  Our weapons of warfare are not carnal and we need to stop thinking along carnal lines. (II Cor. 10:4) Let’s get in line with the Holy Spirit and bless Israel in the right way.  We need to stop enabling her bad behavior and hold her accountable.


The fact is that Israel is in the dry bones and flesh stage of Ezekiel: no heart, no spirit.  The nation is here, but it was established without the Spirit of God.  It was established “by their own devices…” and the Lord is allowing them to function until they are ready to give up and turn to Him.  This is the time of gleaning until the Fall harvest is ripe.  That time of refreshing is coming, but it is not yet.  Comforting Israel at this stage is like telling a misbehaving child that it is O.K. to spit in God’s eyes. 


Israel is trying to establish a nation without God, a nation full of false religious spirits of all kinds.  It is corrupt and full of decay.  Isaiah 1 describes the condition of Israel from God’s perspective:  Sick from head to toe, mistreating the poor, the elderly, the widows, the foreign workers and persecuting the Body of Christ.  Today the religious and political leaders of Israel are the same as those described in Ezekiel 34.


It is every true believer’s duty to bless her with the healing balm of Gilead; Y’shua Himself, her Healer, her Savior and Redeemer.  Only when He is lifted up will He draw all men unto Himself.  Anyone can do good deeds, but only a believer can share the Water of Life and make a difference in Israel.  Gold and Silver will not do it.   Going to fight her battles for her will not do it.  The solution is a Person and His Name is Y’shua.




John 8:58-59

"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Rom 10:13-15

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"