Learning from the "pro-gospel" stream

The Christian Zionist movement often tends to be weak and even fearful or skittish when it comes to evangelism. There are many reasons for this – some are called strategic, others occasionally (though rarely) are based on the false teaching called "two covenant theology" (which says that Jews don't have to believe the gospel but have another way of salvation). Sometimes Christian Zionists are concerned that open evangelism of Jewish people will close doors to the Jewish non-Messianic community, or that the Israeli Ministry of the Interior may revoke the visas (meaning, the temporary right to live in Israel) for ministries who have bases and workers within Israel.

 It is here that the "pro-gospel" stream definitely has something to say. Yeshua gave the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. It was not a "Great Suggestion". It comes with the full authority and weight of the Risen Messiah who is Son of David. That good news is about the Jewish Messiah and it is earmarked with special priority to the Jewish people (as Paul stresses in Romans 1:16 and 2:6-11). Some Christian Zionists lack gospel courage and gospel backbone, and some of their strategies have the odor both of fear and of the desire to be pleasers of men rather than pleasers of God (see Galatians 1:6-12 and 2 Corinthians 2:14-17).

 Another salient point: some Christian Zionists are embarrassed about Messianic Jews. They would rather be photographed while embracing rabbis who persecute Messianic Jews, than take the risk of being photographed while embracing Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters in the faith. The "pro-gospel" stream can rightly asked them, "Are you ashamed of the gospel which is the power of salvation, to the Jew first?"