The following article appeared in the “Maariv” Newspaper:

Felix Frish

March 8, 1999


Assailants threw three firebombs Sunday at a house in Moshava Migdal near the Sea of Galilee. Police speculate that the reason for the attack is that members of the house belong to a Jewish messianic sect.

Michal and Tirtze Shevenberg and their eight children are members of a Jewish messianic community that believes Jesus and the New Testament are direct continuations of Judaism.

On Sunday night somebody tried to harm them. “I heard the windows break and saw the fire spread at 03:30,” recalled the eldest daughter, Hadassah, yesterday. “I called everyone and we extinguished the fire. It’s a genuine miracle from God that the house didn’t burn down and that nothing happened.” The front of the family’s car was also burned by a firebomb.

Tiberias Police Commander Major Ya’akov Zigdon ordered an investigation into the incident. Shevenberg family members said this wasn’t the first time that they were attacked: two years ago assailants cut their car’s tires.

Eddie's commentary: "Somebody tried to harm them"? I'd say, "Somebody tried to KILL them"! A man, his wife and their 8 children... someone throws 3 Molotov_Cocktails though their window at 3:30 in the morning, while they we sound asleep. Someone tried to burn this family alive!

Say, I've posted this article because, many would have you to believe, that the Ortiz incident was a first; and all this stuff about “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Man, they tried to burn this Jewish family alive; they tried to burn my domino & chess players alive; they tried to kill the entire Ortiz family. Mass murder serial killers at large, running free, roaming the streets! Assassins willing to kill anyone, Jew or gentile, men, women, boys, girls, babies, pensioners, holocaust survivors, etc. etc. if you’re a follower or friend of Jesus! Anyone caught attending a Messianic Congregation or found associating with Believers is subject to be their next victim! Eddie 11/22/08