May 9, 2010 



Dear Lura & Eddie,

May 5th, 2010 was a momentous day.  We had another hearing in the Jack Teitel case.  As you know he has been undergoing psychiatric testing for the past three months, and yesterday the defense came back to court with the suggestion of the district psychiatrist that Teitel is currently in a psychotic state and not fit to stand trial at this time. This is the third team of lawyers that Teitel has had and the reason they're doing this is because it is literally the only line of defense that  they have, as Teitel has confessed to all his crimes and has done re-enactments of several of them as well.   The psychiatric evaluation is not a decision - but the media have portrayed it as a decision and so most Israelis believe it is already a done deal, and that at this time Teitel will not stand trial.  However, the judges have the power to either accept this evaluation or to reject it, and that decision will be made final on June 1, 2010.  The State prosecutor asked for a postponement of the decision for a few weeks to look over the psychiatrist's evaluation in order to be able to respond effectively as the State representative.  This means that we have time to pray for the Judges -Zvi Segal, Moshe Drori, and Moshe Hacohen , that they will have divine revelation concerning  this case, and that they will bring forth right judgment, not  subject to any political or religious coercion of any kind. 
If the judges  accept the evaluation,  the trial will be "frozen "and Teitel will remain in a psychiatric hospital under treatment until he is deemed mentally stable enough to be tried, which is  unacceptable to us, the victims, as this can take an undetermined amount of time.  
 The courtroom is always packed with reporters. Cameramen, who are not allowed into the courtroom are lined up outside.  After the hearing we went out to "meet the press". We told the media and therefore the nation that to us this evaluation is strange and illogical - for 12 years Teitel was active, working out his attacks to the last detail , built complicated bombs and stored a hidden cache of illegal weapons,   covered his tracks and outwitted the police and the Shin Bet for more than a decade, learned how to lie on the polygraph test and succeeded when brought in for questioning after murdering two Palestinians twelve years ago,   started a family and had children,  worked for Y'ad L'achim for five years, worked  and even had a business to  support his family, and now when he is finally arrested, he is deemed unfit to stand trial because of mental illness. It is very  suspicious to us, and to our lawyer.    




Teitel: I feel good, but don't know if I'm sane



As I said, the media came out in droves and we were interviewed all day and evening by them on TV, radio and newspapers.  Here is an article from YNET, which is the most widely read Hebrew news website in Israel.  They have an English site a well.  

As first published in Ynet, professional opinion filed in court that alleged Jewish terrorist is not fit to stand trial. Hearing postponed so prosecution can review material. Teitel tells Ynet, 'I don't know if I'm sane. I don't recognize court's jurisdiction'
Aviad Glickman


05.05.10, 12:03 / Israel News


After escaping the law for 12 years, the Jewish terrorist is also escaping a court date in the meantime. A professional psychiatric opinion was submitted Wednesday to Jerusalem District Court ruling that Jack Teitel is not fit to stand trial. The judges agreed with the State Prosecution's request to delay the hearing so that they could study the material. Teitel, accused of a string of terrorist attacks against Arab and Jewish civilians, told Ynet, "I don't know if I'm sane. I don't recognize the jurisdiction of this court. I feel good."
Judges Zvi Segal, Moshe Drori, and Moshe Hacohen postponed the hearing on the psychiatric evaluation performed in Sha'ar Menashe Hospital, which has been accredited by the district psychiatrist. They also ruled that the district psychiatrist must confirm the professional opinion submitted by the hospital.
 During the hearing, Teitel's legal counsel, Attorney Asher Ohayon from the Public Defender's Office, said that he intends to send a psychiatrist of their own to the hospital to write a professional opinion for the defense.
In court, Judge Segal asked the State Prosecution whether there was any indication of any additional illness or previous hospitalization in Teitel's past. Representative of the State Prosecution, Sagi Ofir, said that the matter was raised during investigations, but that this apparently the first time Teitel has been to a psychiatrist.
 Teitel's mother and relatives of his alleged victims - Samir Akram Balbisi and Amiel Ortiz - were present during the hearing. Amiel's father, David Ortiz, said, "Teitel is a very intelligent guy who carried out his crimes intelligently. It is a test for the judges and the State of Israel not to allow this murderer to get away."
The families' representative, Attorney Yossi Greiber said that he was encouraged by the postponement granted in order to study the psychiatric evaluation. "We are stunned by this blatant attempt by one of the most sophisticated criminals to operate in Israel in the past decade who was of sound enough mind to plan the terrorist attacks."
 Greiber reiterated claims that Teitel conned the psychiatrist or that his mental state is a result of personal circumstances unrelated to the trial.


12 years of terror

The opinion is based on a month-long psychiatric observation of Teitel performed in Shaar Menashe Hospital in Jerualem. The psychiatrist in charge of the case ruled that Teitel is in a psychotic state. Another opinion will be provided.
In the meantime, Teitel will apparently continue to undergo in-patient hospital treatment. Periodically, a committee will deem whether his status has changed and whether he is fit to stand trial or not.
It should be noted that the psychiatric evaluation refers only to Teitel's current psychiatric condition and whether he is currently fit for trial. It does not address his mental state when he allegedly committed the crimes being ascribed to him. It is likely that should his mental state change, his trial will continue.
 Last November, an indictment was filed against Teitel on fourteen counts of terrorism over the court of 12 years. In 1997, he allegedly murdered taxi driver, Samir Akram Balbisi in Jerusalem and shepherd Issa Jabrin near Sussia.
 After returning to the US, his country of origin, he returned to Israel and tried to harm police officers and Palestinians. He later planted a bomb at the home of Prof. Ze'ev Sternhell, who was only lightly wounded in the incident. Teitel is also suspected of sending a booby-trapped Purim gift basket to a Messianic Jewish family living in Ariel that seriously wounded teenager Amiel Ortiz.





Ami will undergo his 3rd hand and 13th operation on May 20th , God willing.  The objective will be to fuse his thumb into place, as it is out of joint and somehow doesn't have the ability to stay in joint.  Please pray for the surgeons.  We thank God for them as they treat Ami with much love and compassion, which we know is favor being poured out from heaven. However we are praying for healing without conventional medicine to the last moment.  This picture was taken about a week ago for some articles that will appear in Charisma and in the Issues newsletter of Jews for Jesus.  
Ami's favorite shot




Even though we recently just got back from the States - David got called to S. Korea again to speak about Israel but also because the movie "Restoration" has been such a hit or spiritual blockbuster as quoted from the Korean movie critics.  In the beginning it was shown side by side with "Avatar" which has since closed over there,  but now it is showing side by side with "Iron man 2", in other words the film has been showing 4 months straight with the theatres still being packed out all over the country.   Our hosts were gracious enough to have our son Natan accompany him, and he came back refreshed and with new insight on life. 


This is David speaking -

When Leah told me that the S. Koreans requested  if I could come over again it was an automatic yes because already the Lord had been speaking to me about it. Just to explain briefly what happened, the amazing events of the trip began when we took off in the plane to Korea. We were seated behind business class, and all of a sudden someone tapped me on the shoulder and said excitedly - "are you one of  the Messianic  believers in the movie"?  I said yes -I am.   Natan and I were snoozing off when she came back and said "I want you to come with me to the back - the people want to say hello to you".   When I went back a few rows, all of a sudden I got a standing ovation - they stood up with a roar!  I wondered to myself why Natan didn't woke up - how he was able to sleep through that - and the stewardesses were wondering if I was some kind of rock star.  I woke up Natan and we said hello to the people and they took about 50 pictures.  They were a group of about 50 or 60 and took up the whole section of the plane.  I was thinking as they were  clapping how Jack Teitel and the radical people tried to kill our witness and take away our dignity, but the Lord has restored it -

Psalm 91:14-16-"Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
         I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
         I will be with him in trouble;
         I will deliver him and honor him.
 16 With long life I will satisfy him,
         And show him My salvation."

 Isaiah 54:7&8-7" For a mere moment I have forsaken you,
      But with great mercies I will gather you.
8 With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment;
      But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,"
      Says the LORD, your Redeemer.

Travelling through Korea, it was amazing how many people had seen the movie and recognized me on the street. I would describe the trip like a mixture between a non-stop action movie and  Israeli military reserve service , where we went from place to  place, from TV interviews to radio, to newspapers to two or 3 churches in one day, to Universities.  However, out of all of the places I spoke what was the most endearing to  me was a large church meeting which was going to be broadcast by radio into North Korea, where our N. Korean brothers who are being held and persecuted for their faith were able to receive our comfort.

 Psalm 19:1-4-The heavens declare the glory of God;
         And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech,
         And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language
         Where their voice is not heard.
4 Their linehas gone out through all the earth,
         And their words to the end of the world.

On the trip Natan said "I know that I have come to Korea to learn something." When he left he confirmed that it had been accomplished.  All the Korean brothers took him under their wings and spoke very directly into his life.  Isaiah 54:13-All your children shall be taught by the LORD,
      And great shall be the peace of your children

The producer, her assistant in charge of promotions, the director, and assistant director who translated non-stop,  and all their staff worked night and day. Through their communication with one another and team work with the utmost professionalism,  great things were accomplished for the Kingdom on this trip.

Because anti-religious freedom people read our letters, I'm limited on what I can share but at a later time I will share more.

Thank you for your prayer and continuing love,

Leah and David