Eddie's Commentary

Because of all the commotion and newspaper coverage, everyone living in or in the vicinity of Ashdod now knows about Beit Hallel, the Ashdod Messianic Congregation and exactly where it's located. People now know where they can go {or come by night) to find out more about Jesus/Y'shua. Where they can ask questions, obtain Bibles, books, fellowship, prayer, discipleship, worship, etc.

The fastest way to have made this all happen was through persecution. See how persecution causes the Gospel to flourish? Persecution at work!

Another point of interest: Ashdod is one of the cities that's constantly bombarded with missiles from Gaza, yet in the mist of all this... their spiritual leaders are persecuting Christians and Messianic Jews? Huh?

Just the other day one of their Synagogues was hit by a grad missile.

For more examples of Ashdod's bombardments click HERE!

Eddie Aug 26, 2011