Notice this guy's reference source: The Talmud, Kabbalah and Mystical Teachings. Thus insisting on referring to Bilhah & Zilpah as handmaidens & concubines.
On the other hand, my reference, The Talmud (the 5 books of Moses), regardless of the edition, states that Bilhah and Zilpah became Jacob's wifes. Eddie, Aug 22, 2012

Thus, Jacob had a total of 4 wives (Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah) who mothered the 12 tribes of Israel. Both Bilhah and Zilpah are buried in The Tomb of The Matriarchs, Tiberius, Israel. If they were not matriarchs, why were they buried as such? P.S. By the looks of Rabbi Silberberg's picture, I'd guess he's Ashkenazi. He lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.; I wonder if he's ever been to Israel? Perhaps he doesn't know or never heard of The Tomb of The Matriarchs in Tiberius. Anyhow, the ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews seem to have a problem acknowledging Jews of color. Eddie, Aug 22, 2012