Please pray for the Messianic Jews & Christians of Nigeria

Currently there's an ongoing genocide occurring in Nigeria. It's described as the Muslims in the north against the Christians in the middle belt, and south. Well, living among the Christians are thousands of Messianic Jews, the Igbos. Unfortunately, Christians being massacred in Africa doesn't seem to raise much of an alarm, neither does the onslaught of these Messianic Jews. But if these were Jews (not Messianic Jews & Christians) of, let's say Ashkenazi descent, this would be deemed a holocaust, and something would be done immediately, if not sooner, to stop it. My DNA traces back to the Igbos. They survived a terrible genocide in 1967-1970, now it looks like they're going through another one again. Please pray for these Jews & Christians of Nigeria. Thanks and lots of love, Eddie April 29, 2011

Persecution Updates:
Persecution T.V. ... videos
Compass Direct News
The Voice of the Martyrs

Graphic Photos:
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08-18-12 Why we applied to UN, AU for recognition – Onwuka
04-20-12 A Documentary Film (trailer) Re-emerging/The Jews of Jeff L. Lieberman

Would You Go?
maozisrael (On Do's List) Outreach in Nigeria Photos
05-17-11 maozisrael (On Do's List) Africa Video Blog - Nigerian Children Learning Hebrew
05-17-11 maozisrael (On Do's List) The Day Before The Outreach
05-10-11 maozisrael (On Do's List) Shalom From Nigeria!
05-05-11 maozisrael (On Do's List) Going By Faith, Not With Fear... MUST READ!

2010 Open Door's World Watch List