There are many miscellaneous and hidden behind the scene expenses, almost too numerous to mention. But, in this section I will endeavor to share (time and time again) a few of them with you. Most people don’t mind blessing us with material things, but there’s a need for cash as well! So how do we go about expressing this need? I’ve been racking my brain trying to sugar coat and be politically correct about this issue, but was drawing a blank. Well, a picture says a thousand words and I just decided to say it like it is, “We need cash!” Eddie

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Diesel cost $5.08 per/gal (1 of 2)
Diesel cost $5.08 per/gal (1 of 2) 
Diesel cost $5.08 per gallon as of today Sept. 6, 2007. It is costing us an average of about $75.00 per week (around town driving) in fuel! Help!