A Foretaste of the Tribulation

As I watched these videos of people looting amidst devastation, mayhem and destruction, it all seemed like something out of Hollywood; or a chapter from the ‘Left Behind Series’.

I thought about how it’s said that many people are one paycheck away from being homeless; are we one earthquake or one natural disaster away from every man for himself?

I also wondered if anyone stooped so low as to take wallets, pocketbooks, rings, etc. from the dead or dying.

It also reminded me a little of the Watts riots of the 60’s. And I also will never forget how shocked I was, hearing about Jew’s looting fellow Jew’s houses; houses that were evacuated during the last Lebanon War.

I don’t believe that a person who has the heart of God would rob and steal under these or other circumstances.

Conclusion: If we experience the ‘Pre-Trib Rapture’ then the righteous in Christ will be caught-up, out of the picture, and there will be full-blown hell unleashed on earth for seven long years. And every man for himself will be the order of the day. Eddie