This is a message to my fellow Israelis who blindly follow the relgious leaders instead of thinking for themselves. These leaders point to the holocaust as a reason not to accept Yeshua. The ultra-orthodox sects like the Hassidei Gur and the Neturei Karta, etc. even make fun of the holocaust survivors and have picnics on their memorials. Yet unthinking Israelis assume they are right to follow such people. Read Ezekiel 34 and see what kind of religious leaders are in charge of Israel today.

The message below is not for the survivors themselves, as we have the utmost respect and compassion for what they have endured and we try to comfort and help them wherever we find them.

Holocaust - Just Another Excuse?

The Lord gave us a choice: Blessing or Cursing. He laid it out very clearly in the Torah (Deuteronomy 28). Obedience brings blessing in every area of life. Disobedience brings cursing in every area of life. This is God’s Promise! This is God’s Plan! He is God and He makes the rules! God requires blood atonement for forgiveness of sin; He makes that very clear all the way through the Tenach (Old Testament). That is the REASON and necessity for a Messiah.

“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God,” John 1:11-13

Rejection of His Messiah brought the destruction of the Temple, eviction from the Land, dispersion and slavery for the inhabitants. Continued rejection of His Messiah has brought constant fear and harassment from country to country. For two thousand years, the Jews have experienced no rest. They were allowed to return to the Land in the past century and create the modern State of Israel in 1948, but they did so in unbelief. Because of that, the Jewish people have had to fight for every inch of the Land. If our people were in God’s Will, He would make our enemies to be at peace with us.

The Lord offers the same thing today – blessing and cursing: Choose! However the majority of the Jewish people choose to use the Holocaust as an excuse not to accept God’s Messiah. This is not acceptable to God. The Holocaust is a testimony to the Lord’s faithfulness to His Word! He predicted it and it came to pass!

There will be no peace in the Land of Israel until God establishes His Messiah on the Throne in Jerusalem. His Messiah is not coming back until the leaders of the Jewish People repent and call for Him to return. (Matthew 23:37-39, Hosea 5:14-15 through 6:1-3, Psalm 80:14-18, Isaiah 53)

Today the majority of Jews in Israel are choosing cursing instead of blessing. They are not only rejecting Y’shua, the Messiah of Israel, but they are actively persecuting those who do accept Him. (Matthew 23:29-36) They have substituted superstition* for faith.

They are asking for Cursing upon cursing. God said the Land would vomit them out if they disobeyed Him. (Leviticus 18:28) It’s happening today, little by little.

What will it take for our people to turn to the Lord and worship Him in spirit and truth? The answer: The Great Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble, a time of darkness and gloom spoken of by the Prophets. (Joel 1 through 2:13, Zephaniah 1:13 through 2:3, Revelation, & many other references) It’s coming soon! Stop using the past as an excuse. You are responsible for your own choices! Choose blessing before it is too late for you and your family! Choose Y’shua!

You have a choice: The Curse of God or His Blessing, which will it be? Choose today whom you will serve!

*Superstitious practices abound in Israel today and are sanctioned by their religious leaders. For e.g. The selling & wearing of red strings in order to stay healthy; The kissing of the mezuzot upon entering and exiting; The belief that the mezuzah must be kosher and examined by a rabbi or it will bring bad luck to a household; The use of the Yad (hand) to bring good luck on a house; Praying at the graves of Rabbis and Rachel; Making an idol of the western retaining wall of the Temple; Hanging pictures and amulets in the house and business to bring good luck; Paying for special blessings by Rabbis to cure ills, physical, mental or financial; adding manmade rules to the Bible (thousands upon thousands of these).