Math Problems (to say the least)!

One of the end-time prophecies being fulfilled as we speak, is God restoring the Jews back to Israel --the land given to their forefathers. Beginning in the north (Russia) God’s gathering Jews from all over the globe. Jer 3:14, 16:14-16, 31:8-9, Deut 30:3, Amos 9:15. We are living in exciting times, being part of the end-time church and all! Yes, Israel is indeed God’s time table!

In the States when you read about these things (these prophecies being fulfilled), I know you must feel a rush! But being here in Israel where it’s all actually happening takes it to a different level! For example, In Arad our little city, more than half the inhabitants are from Russia!

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Israel became a Jewish state in 1948 and Jews have been returning ever since, more and more each year. Some of these returning Jews are Zionist but the majority of them are fleeing some form of persecution, poverty, whatever.

If you are as naive as I was about Jewish people, you would equate Jews as all being religious people of God, a Holy nation! Also, you would be as shocked as I was finding out that this is not entirely true!

The truth is that many have returned to Israel but have not returned to God! Many simply see Israel as their land of opportunity which explains the Casino Boat in Eilat, the Casino built in Jericho, the state lottery, the annual gay parade in Jerusalem, the brothels in Jerusalem, the bars, the liquor stores, the prostitution rings, the drugs, car thefts etc., etc. I was as shocked to see all this as I would be if the shoe was on the other foot and these were Christians instead of Jews doing these things!

Yes, the reality of this return, this gathering, is a little more than an item to check off your list of end-time prophecies fulfilled. It’s a lot more complicated! In addition to all of the above, we have people speaking all different kinds of languages. Everybody learning Hebrew is an ideal concept and solution, but in reality I’ve met many who feel they’re too old to learn a new language.

Well, I said all this just to tell you about an interesting experience I have had over the last few days! You see, there’s this guy from Romania who attends the Russian congregation here in Arad. He is an awesome auto mechanic but has to get certified! His mother tongue is Romanian and he speaks a little Russian, German, English, and he’s been studying Hebrew for a number of years.

He is currently pursuing his certification and is having major problems with his math! He cried out to God, one thing led to another, he bumped into my wife, somehow the subject can up and she told him to call me.

Math use to be one of my things! ():)

It took me a day to assess and refresh, and two sessions to bring him up to speed. I answered all his questions, worked his hardest problems, etc!

When the smoke cleared I realized that many Jewish families arrive here with children still in school! For example, the Ethiopian youth in Ashdod and the kids attending our congregations. Imagine the nightmare these kids must be faced with! The teachers talking Hebrew, the textbooks and homework likewise. Can you imagine just trying to keep up? No wonder the high school drop-out rates, feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Just helping with the math and other interactions, I noticed that we in the USA are encouraged to think! To think outside the box! Creative thinking! But, people from communist countries are almost afraid to, as if forbidden.

Wow, the math assignment was all mixed up, evidently our text in America follows a certain standard and format which I must have taken for granted. Anyhow, his math book was hand-written in Hebrew script and print while using Greek and Hebrew numbering systems for labelings. And 1’s and 7’s were written the European way (the 1 sometimes resembling an upside-down ‘v’ and the 7 has a slash through it).

Bottom-line, I’ve made a nice set of notes comprised of hints and formulas. I can simply burn copies for the next person in distress! I had to come up with a ‘stand alone’ type solution because I don't think God sent me here to get bogged down with tutoring math or anything else except for the Gospel of Yeshua. Outside of Yeshua everthing else is really vanity when you think about it.

Edwin Beckford
December 2003

For His Name & His Glory, Eddie & Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Arad, Israel.
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