Eddie's commentary

Google: Babha Kama (113b)

1. This article inspired me to post this section on polluted waterways and beaches.
2. "There are so many different religions represented here and I just saw harmony" lol.
(I wonder how many Rabbis beside this Gary Greenebaum showed them around.)

This article reminded me of my good ole military days! If we were notified that the president or some other Big Wig was visiting our base, we immediately sprang into action. We already knew the places we were going to show them and what streets we were to drive down. We didn’t have cell phones in those days, we used walkie-talkies.

When we got through, everything along the pre-designated route was immaculate: bushes trimmed, papers picked up, streets and sidewalks swept, and you name it! If anything went wrong, someone’s getting chewed out and minus a few stripes. Boy, we really pulled a fast one over on those executives, but one time something went wrong.

You see, at the last minute we got word that a Major Brown was on a plane that was scheduled to land at our base. That was all we knew! We didn’t know what areas to make spotless. Finally we were as ready as we could be, under the circumstances. The plane landed, we had the red carpet out, and only soldiers disembarked… no officers!

It was soon discovered that one of the soldier’s first name was Major and his last name was Brown. Just for that, Major Brown was put on KP (kitchen patrol) peeling potatoes and washing pots and pans.

Well, I told Lura, “One of these pastors probably asked, what all these signs near the water say?”

“Oh, it’s Hebrew for WELCOME!” but really reads, DANGER!
