Eddie’s Commentary

There are far too many avoidable deaths which occur here in Israel that you, outside The Land, never hear about. If every once in a while a Jewish family traveling the Hebron Rd gets fired upon and killed… this makes international news, and I’m not saying that it shouldn’t. But, what about the daily onslaught of Jewish lives that virtually goes unreported? I’m telling you, satan is killing Jewish people by the car loads! Real bizarre stuff like cars full of family members running head-on into trucks, buses running over people, pedestrians getting mowed down, people running over their own children in driveways, cars flipping, etc., etc., etc.

Israel seems to have only 1 train track (I’m sure it really has 2 or more, at least one going and one coming). But, to me it seems so much like it has only 1 train and 1 track. Yet people get hit by the train! It makes me shake my head and wonder.

I once asked God, “God, a person with his family in his car wants to pass the car in front of him but a tractor trailer is coming his way in the other lane. But, he goes out anyhow, rams head-on into the truck, killing everyone in the car. Why? Why does this happen? Over and over, the same thing!”

The answer I got was, “Eddie, you know the cartoons with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other? One says, “Do it!” the other says “Don’t!” Well, imagine having a devil on BOTH shoulders. No Holy Spirit voice of reasoning. A tractor trailer coming, all you hear in your mind, “You can do it!” “Yeah, go for it!” “He’ll move!” “Just floor it!”

Thinking about it, made me really pity people going through this life without The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many Jews accept 1/3 of who God is. This leaves them without salvation and guidance.

Continue to pray for these people, places, and things. Eddie 02/22/10