The Gaza Conflict (Operation Cast Lead)

God already knew that Gaza was going to bombard Israel with missiles and rockets until Israel, in December 2008, would cry out “Enough is enough!” He knew that many Gazan (Philistine) men, women and children would be killed in this conflict, and with His infinite mercy, made a way for all who would receive Him. Yes! All those who received Him would be saved.

God looked to and fro for who He could use for His purpose; He needed a martyr, and chose a young man name Rami Khader Ayyad. And in 1999, prior to any missiles launched from Gaza, God opened up a ‘Bible/Book/Storefront/Outreach Center’ right in the middle of The Gaza Strip.

Behold, the news went forth and everyone in Gaza now knew where they could get an Arabic Bible and where they could hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Many came and were saved. But, woe to those who rejected Him and to those who slew His anointed.

No Date: Wife Of Martyred Gaza Bookstore Manager Chooses Not To Hate
05-25-11 Open Doors Pauline, widow of Gaza Christian Bookshop owner asks for our prayers.
09-15-09 The Goldstone Report ... US Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
07/23/09 JP Church official, wife beaten and robbed in Gaza
03/30/09 Gaza Aid and Family Outreach with Living Bread Church... On our Do's List
01/17/09 youtube The Use of White Phosphorus
08/01/08 Pressure Intensifies for Gaza Christians... video
10/09/07 Christian Today Bible Society leads tributes to murdered Palestinian worker
10/07/07 Christianity Today Christian bookstore manager martyred in Gaza City
05/09/07 Christian Today Palestinian Muslims Protest Against Bible Society Bombing in Gaza
04/10/06 Terror won't keep the Palestinian Bible Society shut down
02/23/06 Gaza's Tiny Christian Community Threatened With Violence

The Gaza Bible Book Store has been closed ever since (I guess) the Rami Ayyad killing. At the time of Rami’s death, he had a pregnant wife, and 2 children. We recently got word that God has delivered Rami’s family (wife and now 3 children) and 35 other Christian families from Gaza who now live elsewhere. Yes! God delivered Rami’s family on Christmas Eve of 2008.

I find it somewhat comforting to know, when I hear of the Gazan death toll climbing, that God offered each of them an opportunity to be saved prior to the onslaught. Some by their own free will chose life and the others likewise chose death. Eddie 01/22/09