Jail Time

“…and he (God) sent a man before them--

Joseph, sold as a slave.  They bruised his feet with shackles,

his neck was put in irons, till what he foretold came to pass,

till the word of the LORD proved him true.  Psalm 105:17-19


Dear Friends and Family,

We have a very serious “Joseph” situation here.  What would you do if you had the opportunity to get an innocent man out of jail, simply by allowing him to stay in your home and signing with the court that if he leaves, you will call the police?

Would you do it?

 This is going to happen in Israel more and more as the persecution increases.  When Eddie was facing jail or house arrest while awaiting trial, I signed for him and so did some other people, so he could stay at home. 

But now we have another believer who has been put in jail by false accusations.  Because he is not an Israeli, he does not speak Hebrew.  (Joseph also had to learn a new language in a country foreign to him.)

 This arrest has highlighted some of the human rights violations in the Israeli jails. We will have a section on this on the website soon.  The treatment of prisoners (Jews, Arabs, Tourists, foreign workers, etc.) is appalling.  I am writing of people who have NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF ANYTHING and are in jail awaiting trial.  They are assumed to be guilty, so are not allowed out to gather evidence in their own defense.

 This particular believer was wearing sandals when he was arrested, and the weather has turned cold.  He requested his shoes and was refused.  He has no coat and when we brought warm clothes for him, the guards refused to take it, even though it was pre-arranged.  All of a sudden, this man was denied access to his belongings, his bank account, even to a bottle of shampoo.  No place to wash his clothes.  He had to wear the same clothing for three weeks before he appeared in court. He was arrested, shackled and taken to a dirty dimly-lit cell and that’s where he stayed for 23 out of 24 hours a day. After a couple weeks in this atmosphere, he has developed a respiratory problem due to the constant smoking of the prisoners and guards.

The Lord is with him and he has been able to do some limited witnessing, which makes him very happy.  We were able to get a Bible to him.  The guard did not want to allow it, but the issue of religious freedom was pushed and the guard relented.

 Please pray that this beautiful Christian man will be exonerated of these charges and that he is able to get out of prison and into a house arrest situation while awaiting trial.

Even if the person who put these charges against him were to recant, the State of Israel still will try the prisoner for the charges.  The conviction rate in Israel is more than 99%. Trial by police.  If the police press charges, everyone assumes you are guilty and the court system tends to rubber stamp whatever the police say. 

 The really sad story behind this is that the person who made the charges claims to be a believer and has since been formally disfellowshipped from the congregation according to the Scriptures.  The Congregation is standing behind the man in prison, but the court is demanding that he be placed on house arrest outside Arad.

 Pray!  This situation has upset the whole community here and is a terribly bad witness to the unbelievers.  Even they are shocked.  Somehow God will get the Glory out of this, not by man’s doing, but by the Holy Spirit, just as He turned Joseph’s situation around for good. 

 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  So then, don't be afraid….” Gen 50:19-21

 Who knows?  Maybe some of the many Christians who come to Israel to sit and pray will actually step up and sign to sit and pray while staying with a believer who is under house arrest.  That’s one way of staying in Israel and getting your visa renewed, because you would have court papers to keep you here.

Something to think about.  Thanks for being there!    God bless you for standing with the believers!