The Settlers (The Hilltop People)

Caution! 3rd video contains shocking and offensive language!... Eddie

I don’t know what your definition of a Zionist is, but over here it means people with a similar viewpoint as the settlers and Kanhane sympathizers. That God gave the land of Israel to the Jews, period.

But, once again I ask you, “Who’s a Jew?” In God’s eyes!

To me it looks like the wheat and the tare have grown together, with their roots all intertwined. Praise God that Lura and I don’t try to choose sides; that we love and give the gospel to whom so ever will.

Many people seem to be pro-Israel and to hell with the Palestinians or visa-versa. But, according to DNA and forensic science results, many Jews are not Jews and many Arabs are Jews.

As for me and my house, we’re going to leave the judgment calls to God. We will simply continue planting seeds and feeding sheep until.

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