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RFK always

Welcome !

As time goes by, this site will show you diverse aspects of Robert Francis Kennedy's life. There will be photos, texts, links to other sites and, when I will have mastered the art of programmation, films and audios.

I count on the implication of everybody to collect as much information as possible on this man. In addition to be a bilingual site, it will be subdivided in many parts and humour, as well as fantasy, will also have their place here.

As soon as right now, you can send me any comment or suggestion via my email.

See you soon !

You can also check the site summary ; it describes what will be available as time goes by.


I was in Boston during the 2002 Easter weekend and went to the
Kennedy Museum and Library.

I bought books and other things and saw many interesting displays and films.

I will have a special section about my trip in the coming weeks
(I wished!).

- February 28th, 2003 -

My apologies to this site's readers...
It's been a while since there was an update...

My hectic (!) life is responsible for the fact that I can't dedicate as much time as before to present to you the inspiring life of RFK.

Maybe some of you feel as though they've been had. For those who are faithful to the personage, don't hesitate to come back from time to time.
I will most certainly find moments along the next years (but who is in a hurry?) to improve the content of what is already displayed. We'll keep in touch...