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RFK always
English site

Other sites

Here are links to other sites that I found interesting. If the site is not in your language, you can obtain a translation (although of poor quality, that's the least one can say !) instantaneously of a web page at the following address :
Traduction en ligne (Translation online)

Robert Kennedy In Real Audio

Here is, in my humble opinion, the BEST SITE ever about RFK (including mine). First of all, you can actually hear many speeches delivered by RFK, here in their integrality. You can have the transcription of most of them. There are also videos, biography and a slideshow. Don't miss it!


"Riverkeeper takes care of the river so that there are always plenty of fish and the water is clean and safe for everyone who lives around it."

This is how they begin presenting themselves on this site. If you follow these links : Our story, Who's who, Board of Directors, you will see : Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Vice President. In fact, he is very involved in this endeavor. The site is very interesting, especially for those who are water lovers.

This site contains many links to various points of interest surrounding RFK and the Kennedys. You can also find poems written by Robert Lowell in honour of RFK.