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Chinese  Zodiac  Personality
2001~Type in the year you were born at the bottom of the page to find your pet



Often considered the most beautiful of the signs, Snakes are also noted for their limitless energy, passion and cleverness. Your powerful mind allows you to outmanuever the competition by a mile, while your love of fun keeps your spirit- and your appearance eternally youthful.
You're probably known for your perseverance- and that's exactly why you're destined for success. In fact, your tireless work ethic and attention to detail are testament to this truth: You make your own good luck.
Wonderfully artistic, creativity is the Sheep's middle name. You instinctively know how to throw together the perfect mix, be it people or the beautiful way you decorate your home.
Super-bright and witty,
popular Monkey's are always at the top of everyone's invite list.
You bring a sense of joy into the lives of others, and make a wonderful friend.
Shrewd-decision makers with a pioneering spirit. Roosters are never afraid to speak their minds. You never shrink away from a tough situation. And it's because of this steady fearlessness that others depend on you to help them with their toughest life choices.
Dog's not surprisingly, are the most loyal of all the signs, and are known for their trustworthiness.
Family is most important to you, and you will go to the ends of the Earth to make a loved one happy.
Fun-loving Pigs believe in living the good life, and your naturally sunny disposition compels others to seek out your company. You also tend to be very charitable and are often the driving force behind your community's thrift sales and church raffles.
Strong-minded and self-assured, you come to decisions on your own.
The ability to turn a negative into a positive marks a Rat's happy-go-lucky personality.
Enchanting, generous and exacting, you make an excellent critic, an honest friend and a woeful adversary.
Your calm demeanor inspires confidence in others, while your knack for making-and-keeping friends guarantees you'll always have someone in your corner. You value your individuality, but make an excellent parent and spouse.
Capable of great love and passion, emotional Tigers truly are pussycats of the Chinese zodiac...unless they're pushed.
For you are just as  aggresive as you are sensitive, and have no trouble defending yourself, your reputation or your family.
Articulate and diplomatic, you are known for keeping your head when others are losing theirs. Affectionate by nature, you believe
in true love and often marry your childhood sweetheart.
Life is one big adventure to Dragons,
and your enthusiam-coupled with keen intellegence-wins you both loyal friends and the respect of your peers.
