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Love Can be So Puzzling

Why don't Men really say what they mean ?
Like they will tell you "Aw, honey why don't you sit down and rest."
When they really mean shut off that darn vaccum, I'm trying to watch TV....
Or "Why don't you go visit your Mom for awhile, you  haven't gotten out of the house for a few days..."
Really means.. I want to go play golf and don't want you to nag me to spend time with you !
And when he offers to fix dinner- You can be sure he saw those brussel sprouts you bought and he just wants to make sure you don't cook them.
Or when he says.."Let's go see a movie tonight," means there is nothing on TV or the batteries
are dead in the remote..
And when he greets you at the door, holding a candle and leads you to the fireplace...
It only means he forgot to pay the electric and 
gas bills..
Your man will remember football and baseball scores from the last 10 years...
but your birthday and anniversary are still a mystery to him !
Yes, Love can be so puzzling....
It's a good thing  woman are around 
to pick up the pieces..